[CIG-SEISMO] European Ph.D. candidate sought in Dynamics Modeling of Earthquake Source project

Sue Kientz sue at geodynamics.org
Thu Mar 18 16:52:51 PDT 2010

Dear colleagues and friends,

We are looking for a candidate for a Ph.D. degree.  The three years  
fellow is guaranteed by the QUEST Initial Training Network project,  
founded by EU ( additional information can be found at the following  
URL: http://www.quest-itn.org ). The indicative title of the Ph.D.  
project is: " Dynamic modeling of earthquake source: different  
physical mechanisms and earthquake energy balance ".

The candidate should have a strong motivation in assessing problems in  
Seismology, with a specific emphasis on the physics of the seismic  
source, as well as programming skills. He/she has to be a citizen of a  
European country (but not Italian -- the fellow cannot be attributed  
to a citizen of the same country that formally pay the fellow ).

During the three - years time window the candidate will have the  
possibility to spend a part of the time at the Sezione di Bologna of  
the INGV ( Bologna, Italy ) and at the University of Napoli ( Napoli,  
Italy ). He will be jointly mentored by Dr. Andrea Bizzarri and by Dr.  
Gaetano Festa.

CVs can be sent to Andrea Bizzarri ( bizzarri at bo.ingv.it ) and to  
Gaetano Festa ( festa at na.infn.it ). Interested students are welcome to  
contact us directly for more information.

Friendly regards and many thanks.

Andrea Bizzarri
and Gaetano Festa


Dr. Andrea Bizzarri, Ph.D.

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Sezione di Bologna
Via Donato Creti, 12
40128 Bologna

tel. +39 051 4151432
fax  +39 051 4151499

bizzarri at bo.ingv.it
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