[CIG-SEISMO] instabilities in SPECFEM3D_GLOBE fixed

Dimitri Komatitsch komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr
Wed Aug 29 04:59:09 PDT 2012

Dear all,

This summer several users of SPECFEM3D_GLOBE had informed us that the 
latest version of the code was unstable. Daniel Peter has just found and 
fixed the problem, therefore please get the new version and you should 
be all set.

Please inform us if you still get stability issues.

Thank you,
Best regards,


On 08/18/2012 03:27 PM, Dimitri Komatitsch wrote:
> Dear Arjun,
> Thank you for your bug report. This bug has also been noticed by other
> users before the summer. Two of the GLOBE developers (Daniel Peter and
> Joseph Charles; I cc them) are currently investigating it and fixing it.
> Hopefully we should be able to release a new version in the middle of
> September. We will then send an email to the CIG mailing list.
> Sorry about the problem. It seems someone committed a modification that
> made the package unstable.
> (you can thus temporarily revert to an older version (which you can get
> from the SVN server using "svn checkout -r YYYY", where YYYY is an old
> release number (which you can get using "svn log" and selecting a
> version from a few months ago, or maybe even 2011 or 2010 to be safe).
> Thank you,
> Dimitri.
> On 07/31/2012 01:49 PM, A. Datta wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been using SPECFEM3D GLOBE for some forward global simulations but
>> my simulations often terminate with the following error message:
>> "forward simulation became unstable and blew up in the fluid"
>>> From a glance at the code I know this corresponds to the maximum
>>> potential
>> in fluid in all slices becoming greater than a threshold value (or
>> negative).
>> Can someone please explain what this means, i.e. when this happens ?
>> Could
>> it have anything to do with the meshing ? I use NEX_XI =192 and
>> 3, so as to engage 54 processors.
>> Thanks,
>> Arjun

Dimitri Komatitsch - komatitsch aT lma.cnrs-mrs.fr
CNRS Research Director (DR CNRS), Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics,
UPR 7051, Marseille, France    http://komatitsch.free.fr

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