[CIG-SEISMO] type warnings/errors building SPECFEM3D from SVN repo

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Tue Dec 11 10:04:42 PST 2012

I am trying to build SPECFEM3D_Cartesian from the SVN repo. I am getting 
some type mismatch warnings for the Intel compiler which are errors for 
the gcc compiler. The mismatch is related to inconsistent use of integer 
and integer(long) between subroutines; I am not sure which one is the 
desired type.


fault_scotch.f90(357): warning #6075: The data type of the actual 
argument does not match the definition.   [NELMNTS]
     call fault_repartition_parallel (nelmnts,part,nodes_coords,nnodes)
fault_scotch.f90(360): warning #6075: The data type of the actual 
argument does not match the definition.   [NELMNTS]
     call fault_repartition_not_parallel (nelmnts, nnodes, elmnts, 
nsize, nproc, part, esize)
fault_scotch.f90(360): warning #6075: The data type of the actual 
argument does not match the definition.   [NSIZE]
     call fault_repartition_not_parallel (nelmnts, nnodes, elmnts, 
nsize, nproc, part, esize)
mpif90  -O3 -I../shared/ -c -o ../../obj/dec/decompose_mesh.o 
decompose_mesh.F90 -I"scotch/include"
decompose_mesh.F90(1032): warning #6075: The data type of the actual 
argument does not match the definition.   [NSPEC]
           call write_fault_database(16, ipart, nspec, &

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