[CIG-SEISMO] postdoc at the Alaska Earthquake Information Center (UAF)

Carl Tape carltape at gi.alaska.edu
Mon Nov 12 10:38:54 PST 2012

Dear CIG-seismo:

Please pass the postdoc announcement below to any PhD or postdocs with
experience in earthquake seismology. The position is at the Alaska
Earthquake Information Center at University of Alaska Fairbanks.


Carl Tape
Assistant Professor
Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Phone: 907-474-5456
Email: carltape at gi.alaska.edu
Web: http://www.giseis.alaska.edu/input/carl/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Natalia Ruppert (Seismologist) <natasha at gi.alaska.edu>
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:10 AM
Subject: Job Opening at the Alaska Earthquake Informaiton Center
To: lab at kiska.giseis.alaska.edu

Feel free to forward the following announcement.

The mission of the Alaska Earthquake Information Center (AEIC) is to
provide timely and accurate earthquake information and assistance to
the public, research community and government agencies. AEIC operates
an advanced fully digital seismic network comprised of about 200 sites
and reports on 30,000 earthquakes each year. AEIC is a part of the
larger Seismology group at the Geophysical Institute, at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) that includes a component of the
Alaska Volcano Observatory, the Crustal Deformation Geodesy group, and
a vigorous graduate program.

Our long-term success depends on a forward-looking, diverse workforce.
The successful candidate will be part of a team that includes
research-oriented faculty, computer specialists, seismologists,
geodesists, data analysts and field technicians. We work in
partnership with numerous research institutions and state and federal

We seek to fill position of Research Technician:

The incumbent’s time will be split between lab duties and field
support. Lab duties may include earthquake data processing, real-time
data flow monitoring and troubleshooting, monitoring of seismic
station state of health parameters, education and outreach events.
Field support may include field equipment purchasing, assembly and
testing, travel to remote sites to install and maintain seismic
stations, coordination with other agencies to facilitate field work.
Exact job duties will be determined depending on the candidate’s
experience and AEIC needs.

Review of applicants will begin December 14, 2012 and continue until
the position is filled.  The appointment can begin as early as winter

Details and application:

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