[CIG-SEISMO] Source Time function

Jeroen Tromp jtromp at princeton.edu
Mon Apr 15 09:18:03 PDT 2013

Dear Martin:

Yes, you can. The way to do this is to calculate the imuplse response, 
i.e., the Green's function, and subsequently convolve with whatever you 
choose to be your source-time function in postprocessing. Note that you 
will still have to bandpass the result to bring it within the numerical 
validity range, i.e., make sure you are resolving all the frequencies of 
interest with your mesh.

Best regards,


On 4/11/13 11:30 AM, Martin Martin wrote:
> Dear SPECFEM2D Team,
> I would like to know if it is possible to create my own source function
> - I mean other than using the five time function which is provided :
> Rickett, gauss, heaviside, etc ?
> Thank you
> Best wishes,
> Martin

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