[CIG-SEISMO] specfem3D

Marling mjuarez at cmc.org.ve
Tue Jan 29 06:27:45 PST 2013

Hello, I have a question, I tried installing the SPECFEM3D_GLOBE, but 
when executing these steps:

make clean
make create_header_file
. / bin / xcreate_header_file
make clean
make meshfem3D
make specfem3D

I generated error, and that tells me the file is missing: 
values_from_mesher.hy not if it's a configuration problem

I would appreciate all the help I can provide.

Marling Juárez
Centro de Modelado Científico (CMC)
Laboratorio de Astronomía y Física Teórica (LAFT)
Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Telf +58-414-079-5774

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