surendra at caltech.edu surendra at caltech.edu
Wed May 15 18:41:34 PDT 2013

On May 15, 2013, at 8:53 AM, Marling wrote:

> "Hi. I'm working with SPECFEM version 2.0.2 and I want to compare the produced seismograms with local observations that we have at my institute. The problem is that what I have is amplitude, while -if I understand it well- what SPECFEM provides is displacement. Do you know how can I produce amplitude instead of displacement? Am I understanding this well?

By amplitude, if you mean amplitude spectrum, you can use any of standard FFT packages (or even fft command in Matlab) to convert displacements in time domain to frequency domain.   The output of SPECFEM for each station is the displacement at each timestep.  SPECFEM also outputs velocities and accelerations.


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