[CIG-SEISMO] xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH

s.khan-1 at utwente.nl s.khan-1 at utwente.nl
Tue Sep 17 01:53:42 PDT 2013

Dear all,

I am compiling decomposer and receiving the following message:

khan31332 at itclx03:~/SPECFEM3D$ make xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH
(cd obj; mkdir -p dec)
(cd src/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH ; make)
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/khan31332/SPECFEM3D/src/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH'
(echo "Not using bundled Scotch")
Not using bundled Scotch
gfortran  -std=gnu -fimplicit-none -frange-check -O2 -fmax-errors=10 -pedantic -pedantic-errors -Waliasing -Wampersand -Wcharacter-truncation -Wline-truncation -Wsurprising -Wno-tabs -Wunderflow -c -o ../../obj/dec/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.o decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90 -I"usr/local/bin/gout/include"
decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90:34: Error: Can't open included file 'scotchf.h'
make[1]: *** [../../obj/dec/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/khan31332/SPECFEM3D/src/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH'
make: *** [xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH] Error 2
khan31332 at itclx03:~/SPECFEM3D$

I do not understand the errors in here and that is why don't know where the problem is coming from. I will be grateful for your response.


Kind regards,
Saad Khan
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