[CIG-SEISMO] Fortran runtime Error:

emanuele casarotti emanuele.casarotti at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 09:14:10 PDT 2013

How is your nummaterial_velocity_file?


Il giorno 18/set/2013, alle ore 17:03, "s.khan-1 at utwente.nl" <
s.khan-1 at utwente.nl> ha scritto:

 Dear All,

 I am facing problem with the decomposer. 'make xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH'
worked successfully.
I have 4 processor and typing command as:
 khan31332 at itclx03:~/SPECFEM3D$ *./bin/xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH 4
examples/homogeneous_halfspace/MESH/ in_out_files/DATABASES_MPI/*
 total number of nodes:
   nnodes =        23273
 total number of spectral elements:
   nspec =        20736
   num_mat =            1
   defined =            1 undefined =            0
*At line 326 of file decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90*
*Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 7 in list input*

I am looking into decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90 (the part is given below). But
I am unable to find any problem there.

 ! material definitions
       ! format: note that we save the arguments in a slightly different
order in mat_prop(:,:)
       !              #(6) material_domain_id #(0) material_id  #(1) rho
#(2) vp #(3) vs #(4) Q_mu #(5) anisotropy_flag
       !read(98,*) idomain_id,num_mat,rho,vp,vs,Q_mu,aniso_flag
       ! reads lines unti it reaches a defined material
       num_mat = -1
       do while( num_mat < 0 .and. ier == 0)
         read(98,'(A256)',iostat=ier) line
         read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat
       if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error reading in defined materials in

        ! reads in defined material properties
       read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat,rho,vp,vs,qmu,aniso_flag

        ! checks material_id bounds
       if(num_mat < 1 .or. num_mat > count_def_mat)  stop "ERROR : Invalid
nummaterial_velocity_file file."

        if(idomain_id == 1 .or. idomain_id == 2) then
         ! material is elastic or acoustic

          !read(98,*) num_mat, mat_prop(1,num_mat),mat_prop(2,num_mat),&
         mat_prop(1,num_mat) = rho
         mat_prop(2,num_mat) = vp
         mat_prop(3,num_mat) = vs
         mat_prop(4,num_mat) = qmu
         mat_prop(5,num_mat) = aniso_flag
         mat_prop(6,num_mat) = idomain_id

         ! material is poroelastic
         if( use_poroelastic_file .eqv. .false. ) stop 'error poroelastic
material requires nummaterial_poroelastic_file'


 Thanks in advance for your reply and attention to my problem.

 Kind regards,
Saad Khan

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