[CIG-SEISMO] Specfem Globe current git isn't compiling

Dimitri Komatitsch komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr
Mon May 11 06:26:51 PDT 2015

Hi Yder, Hi all,

Thanks! We fixed that in the devel branch a couple of weeks ago, I have 
just copied that change to the master branch thus if you type "git pull" 
you should be all set (otherwise please email me and I will have a look).

With the new robot (BuildBot) in place this should not happen any more 
in the future, we now have a very safe way of thoroughly checking new 
contributions (thanks to David Luet, who developed that).


On 05/11/2015 12:29 PM, masson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I can't seem to compile the latest git for Specfem Globe. It looks like
> the variable 'I_should_read_the_database' ins't in the right _par module
> or the wrong module is loaded in src/specfem3D/get_attenuation.f90.
> Regards,
> Yder
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Dimitri Komatitsch
CNRS Research Director (DR CNRS), Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics,
UPR 7051, Marseille, France    http://komatitsch.free.fr

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