[CIG-SEISMO] attenuation

kenichi.tsuda at shimz.co.jp kenichi.tsuda at shimz.co.jp
Sun Feb 19 04:39:19 PST 2017

Dear People

My name is Kenichi Tsuda from Japan.
I'm working for the private company and usually using fault solver in SPECFEM3D.

Sorry to bother send my message to this mailing list.

Today I have a question (or consultant) for setting attenuation (Q)
I tried to set the Q based on the tomography model (Chapter 13 on the manual).
I showed the first three lines of the data.
 -609154.062 -611572.500 -120000.000    7975.427    4532.940    3411.502     550.000     800.000
 -600451.312 -611572.500 -120000.000    7971.983    4534.659    3410.342     550.000     800.000
 -591749.875 -611572.500 -120000.000    7968.541    4536.377    3409.183     550.000     800.000

Also I set following parameters in Par_file referring to the Example.
ATTENUATION                     = .true.
ATTENUATION_f0_REFERENCE        = 1.00000d0 
MIN_ATTENUATION_PERIOD          = 999999998.d0 
MAX_ATTENUATION_PERIOD          = 999999999.d0 

Then I got problems and following errors when I run generate_databases
 error : in get_attenuation_scale_factor()
   scale factor:   0.159071734844925       should be between 0.7 and 1.3
   Q value =    1.71141719571810       central frequency =

Actually I have tried to change several cases for f0_reference frequency.
However, I still got the errors.

If anybody know how to set these parameters, please let me know.
I'm using the model basd on the tomographic studies.

I appreciate any help.


Kenichi Tsuda
Kenichi Tsuda, Ph.D
Earthquake Science & Engineering Group
Institute of Technology
Shimizu Corporation
Phone: +81-3-3820-5652
fax  : +81-3-3820-5959

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