[CIG-SEISMO] SPECFEM3D Geotech 1.2.0 Released

Tyler Esser tjesser at ucdavis.edu
Thu Jul 6 12:02:39 PDT 2017

We are happy to announce that SPECFEM3D Geotech has released a new version!
Congratulations to the devs!

SPECFEM3D Geotech 1.2.0 introduces these changes:

   - The file format of the displacement boundary conditions has changed
   (See Section 3.2.5 of the manual).
   - Now the program can be run from the general locations.
   - Main routines are modularized in preparation to add other features in
   the coming versions.
   - Removed all instances of runtime warning for temporary arrays.
   - Added step-by-step tutorials for both serial and parallel runs.
   - Added GiD mesh converter.
   - Improved EXODUS mesh converter.
   - Fixed several minor bugs.
   - Structural change and overall code cleanup.

For download links and additional information, please visit
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