[CIG-SEISMO] Question about anisotropy for SW4

Lili Feng Lili.Feng at colorado.edu
Mon May 15 13:54:45 PDT 2017

I'm trying to run sw4 for anisotropic media, but the code just stuck and
does not output anything.

Here is the output information:
*            sw4 version 1.1*

* This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; released under GPL.*
* This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute     *
* it under certain conditions, see LICENSE.txt for more details  *
*  Compiled on: Tue Apr  4 16:03:04 MDT 2017*
*  By user:     life9360*
*  Machine:     shas0137*
*  Compiler:    /projects/life9360/anaconda2/bin/mpicxx*
*  3rd party include dir: /include, and library dir: /lib*

*Input file: ak135_aniso_001.in <http://ak135_aniso_001.in>*"

The code stuck here and did not output any more information...
And below is my input file:

*fileio path=ak135_aniso_001 pfs=1 verbose=1*
*grid h=1000 nx=2001 ny=2001 nz=201 proj=utm ellps=WGS84*
*time t=500*

*source x=1000000 y=1000000 z=0 fz=1 t0=13.5 type=Dirac*
*prefilter fc1=0.01 fc2=0.1*

*rec x=1500000.000 y=1500000.000 depth=0.000 file=SW4.AAA sta=AAA
writeEvery=1000 usgsformat=0 sacformat=1 nsew=1 variables=displacement*

*#------------------- ablock models -------------------*

*ablock  z1=0.000000  z2=20000.000000  rho=2730.000000  c11=1.076668e+11
 c12=3.520350e+10  c13=3.458358e+10  c14=7.671698e+08  c22=1.033435e+11
 c23=3.484267e+10  c24=2.942917e+09  c33=9.909447e+10  c34=2.315423e+09
 c44=3.383794e+10  c55=3.397182e+10  c56=1.349769e+09  c66=3.506251e+10*

*ablock  z1=20000.000000  z2=35000.000000  rho=2920.000000
 c11=1.233700e+11  c12=3.680660e+10  c13=3.680660e+10  c22=1.233700e+11
 c23=3.680660e+10  c33=1.233700e+11  c44=4.328170e+10  c55=4.328170e+10

*ablock  z1=35000.000000  z2=77000.000000  rho=3332.600000
 c11=2.155586e+11  c12=8.148659e+10  c13=8.148659e+10  c22=2.155586e+11
 c23=8.148659e+10  c33=2.155586e+11  c44=6.703600e+10  c55=6.703600e+10

*ablock  z1=77000.000000  z2=120000.000000  rho=3358.400000
 c11=2.174976e+11  c12=8.178445e+10  c13=8.178445e+10  c22=2.174976e+11
 c23=8.178445e+10  c33=2.174976e+11  c44=6.785656e+10  c55=6.785656e+10

*ablock  z1=120000.000000  z2=165000.000000  rho=3399.000000
 c11=2.236862e+11  c12=8.575123e+10  c13=8.575123e+10  c22=2.236862e+11
 c23=8.575123e+10  c33=2.236862e+11  c44=6.896748e+10  c55=6.896748e+10

*ablock  z1=165000.000000  z2=200000.000000  rho=3347.700000
 c11=2.271574e+11  c12=9.074873e+10  c13=9.074873e+10  c22=2.271574e+11
 c23=9.074873e+10  c33=2.271574e+11  c44=6.820432e+10  c55=6.820432e+10

I ran the code with 120 cores and waited for two days. The code is still
running now without any warning or error messages, but no output at all...


Leon(Lili) Feng
Ph.D Candidate
Center for Imaging the Earth's Interior
Department of Physics
University of Colorado Boulder
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