[CIG-SEISMO] Some questions about Visualization using AVS format,animation always showed 5000 steps

Chen Di chendibest at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 23 19:10:58 PST 2018

Dear developers,
        Now I have got results,like 'moviedata_xxx' , ‘surface_from_mesher.h’ and ‘valve_from_mesher’ etc in ‘./SPECFEM3D/OUTPUT_file’ folder.   I have made ‘xcreate_movie_shakemap_AVS_DX_GMT’ in ./SPECFEM3D root folder.
        I ran this script, set the parameter just like these:

         # time step parameters
           NSTEP                           = 15000
            DT                                 = 0.002
        # Visualization
            CREATE_SHAKEMAP                 = .true.
            MOVIE_SURFACE                   = .true.
            MOVIE_TYPE                      = 2
            MOVIE_VOLUME                    = .true.
            SAVE_DISPLACEMENT               = .true.
            USE_HIGHRES_FOR_MOVIES          = .false.
            NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES           = 100
            HDUR_MOVIE                      = 0.0
         # interval at which we output time step info and max of norm of displacement
            NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO      = 200
          (more information

        When I use ‘xcreate_movie_shakemap_AVS_DX_GMT’ to convert those moviedata_xxx file, I set to AVS format , first frame = step1 , last frame = step 15000. But no matter what I set the number(more than 5000), it always stopped on 5000 steps. It makes me confused. How can I fix it ? Please give me some little help. Thanks a lot.

        Best wishes!

        Di Chen

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