[CIG-SEISMO] what is fi in get_poroelastic_velocities.f90

johannes aichele johannes.aichele at inserm.fr
Fri Jul 27 10:10:22 PDT 2018

Dear Specfem experts,

I am totally new to specfem and currently try to understand the 
get_poroelastic_velocities.f90 script.
To my understanding it calculates the wave speeds in a poroelastic 
medium from the 7 Biot parameters.
(mu_fr,phi, tort,rho_s,rho_f,eta_f,perm_xx)

I understand furthermore  that f0 is the dominant frequency which I 
guess means the frequency for which the wave speed is analyzed.
However I do not get the physical meaning of fi.

I would be very grateful if someone could help me out.

Kind regards, Johannes Aichele

Johannes AICHELE
Phd Student - Doctorant
Laboratoire Applications Thérapeutiques des Ultrasons
LabTAU, INSERM unité 1032
151 cours Albert Thomas
69424 LYON Cedex 03

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