[CIG-SEISMO] Help needed to use deformation field as an input of SPECFEM2D

AZZOLA Jerome (JDS) jerome.azzola at unistra.fr
Thu May 24 03:24:06 PDT 2018


First, I would like to thank CIG Seismology for providing Specfem2D and other very useful Software with free access.
I'm a PhD student at IPGS - University of Strasbourg and I use Specfem2D to simulate the propagation of waves in a plate containing holes and meshed using the external mesher GMSH. The mesh input in Specfem2D is continuously deformed using Code_Aster, a finite element code treating the mechanical deformation of the mesh. Usually, we define to groups of elements: the bulk of the plate and the holes. We define the velocity and density in each model. We would like by now to use the deformation field computed from Code_Aster at each element of the mesh used in both codes to define the velocity field input in Specfem2D. Do I have to use as many models in my ParFile as the number of elements or is there a simpler way to use the deformation field as an input of SPECFEM?
Thank you for your help.

Doctorant en géosciences
Tél : +33 (0)7 68 54 92 57
azzola at unistra.fr
jerome.azzola at gmail.com

EOST - Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre
5, rue René Descartes
F - 67000 Strasbourg
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