[CIG-SHORT] Pylith input for Reverse Slip, refined mesh, no smoothing...

Eric Andreas Hetland eah at gps.caltech.edu
Thu Aug 31 14:16:51 PDT 2006

I uploaded the test pylith input files for Carl Gable's refined mesh, no
smoothing, of the Reverse Slip (no gravity) benchmark, only the first two
meshes are there.

I know there is a problem with these input files, I tried to track
everything down, and I am currently getting the below error when I try to
run the mesh. Apologies for the problems, but if you know which direction I
should look, please let me know. Until then, I will go over the files
carefully (~23,000 nodes makes it hard to check things manually, but manual
checks seem ok so far).

- Eric.

Hello from pl3dscan.preinitialize (begin)!
Scanning ascii files to determine dimensions:

     [Errno 2] No such file or directory
          property                       value                         from
          --------                       -----                         ----
          keywordEqualsValueFile         tet_var_res_01_1.0.keyval
{default}  (optional)
          loadHistoryInputFile           tet_var_res_01_1.0.hist
{default}  (optional)
          rotationInputFile              tet_var_res_01_1.0.skew
{default}  (optional)
          winklerInputFile               tet_var_res_01_1.0.wink
{default}  (optional)

     [Errno 17] File exists
          property                       value                         from
          --------                       -----                         ----
          asciiOutputFile                tet_var_res_01_1.0.ascii
{default}  (optional)
          ucdOutputRoot                  tet_var_res_01_1.0.*mesh*.inp

CanNotOpenInputOutputFilesError: Errors opening input/output files!

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