[CIG-SHORT] updated pylith input files on CIG....

Eric Andreas Hetland eah at gps.caltech.edu
Thu Aug 31 17:16:29 PDT 2006

Hi all:

I found several errors with the original input files, and I cleaned them up,
the new version is on the CIG website. But only for the first mesh. I will
do the second and third ones once I know this one is rights. I still get an
error with this input deck (error is below). As much as I can see, the mesh
is being constructed correctly, and I think that I am constructing the split
nodes right (I checked them over and over, but I still might have missed
something). The BC's may be the problem, but I will have to look at them
tomorrow morning. I built pylith input files using Carl's uniform mesh, and
get the same crash error on it... Probably the BC's, could still be the
split nodes... Whatever it is, it is going to have to wait till morning
since I have a prior commitment this evening.

- Eric.

Hello from pl3dscan.preinitialize (begin)!
Reforming the stiffness matrix:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/geomod/pylith-0.8-linux-x86/bin/pylith3dapp.py", line 49, in ?
-0.8/pyre/applications/Application.py", line 77, in run
-0.8/pyre/applications/Stager.py", line 19, in execute
3d/Application.py", line 65, in main
3d/Pylith3d_run.py", line 384, in run
ValueError: getjac:  element #       1  -6.25000000E+07: Zero or negative
jacobian for element.

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