[CIG-SHORT] Reverse-Slip (no gravity) benchmark

Greg Lyzenga lyzenga at hmc.edu
Sun Jul 23 22:43:22 PDT 2006

Hi Everybody:
   I've re-run the GeoFEST runs of the first reverse-slip benchmark  
problem with the finer slip taper.  As in my earlier posting, the  
output files will be found here:  http://www.physics.hmc.edu/GL/ 
The GeoFEST-format input file is named tet4_1000m.gft and can be  
posted on the CIG site as appropriate.

These are the four different runs posted there:

tet4_1kmA.out - 0.10 yr time step, 1.0 implicit parameter, 10^-7  
solver convergence criterion.
CPU time: 4124 s. on 1.25 GHz G4 Powerbook; 255 MB memory used

tet4_1kmB.out - 0.10 yr time step, 1.0 implicit parameter, 10^-9  
solver convergence criterion.
CPU time: 4948 s. on 1.25 GHz G4 Powerbook; 255 MB memory used

tet4_1kmC.out - 0.10 yr time step, 0.5 implicit parameter, 10^-7  
solver convergence criterion.
CPU time: 4173 s. on 1.25 GHz G4 Powerbook; 255 MB memory used

tet4_1kmD.out - 0.05 yr time step, 1.0 implicit parameter, 10^-7  
solver convergence criterion.
CPU time: 8126 s. on 1.25 GHz G4 Powerbook; 255 MB memory used

The mesh coordinates and connectivity are identical to Charles'  
PyLith input.

                          - Greg

Gregory A. Lyzenga  <lyzenga at hmc.edu>           ***     (909) 621-8378
Dept. of Physics, Harvey Mudd College           *** fax (909) 621-8887
Claremont, CA 91711-5990

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