[CIG-SHORT] Suggested speaker: Mark S. Shephard

Carl W. Gable gable at lanl.gov
Fri Dec 21 06:28:49 PST 2007

Someone from outside the community that could provide insights from 
another field:

Mark S. Shephard  Professor and (Samuel A. and Elisabeth C. Johnson, Jr. 
Professor of Engineering) and Director of the Scientific Computation 
Research Center

Department Affiliations:

     * Department of Mechanical, Aerospace & Nuclear Engineering»
     * Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering»
     * Computer Sceince

Research Center Affiliations:

     * Scientific Computation Research Center»
     * Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations (CCNI)»

Professional Background:

Shephard is a fellow past president the U.S. Association of 
Computational Mechanics, and is an active member of numerous 
organizations including the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 
SIAM, the Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, and the 
American Society for Engineering Education. He serves at the Editor of 
Engineering with Computers and is on the editorial board of five other 
technical journals.


     * Simulation
     * Modeling

  Mark S. Shephard's professional activities have focused on 
technologies to improve the reliability and level of automation of 
advanced numerical simulations to support their effective application by 
engineers and scientist. His research activities have lead to well 
recognized and applied contributions on the areas of automatic mesh 
generation of CAD geometry, automated and adaptive analysis methods, and 
parallel adaptive simulation technologies. This research has been 
supported by both government agencies (over 65 research grants from 13 
agencies) and industry (funding from 44 companies). Dr. Shephard has 
published over 250 papers.


     * Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineering
     * Fellow and Past President, U.S. Association for Computational 
     * Fellow, International Association for Computational Mechanics
     * Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Dr. Shephard is a fellow and past president of the US Association for 
Computational Mechanics, and was recipient of the 1997 USACM 
Computational and Applied Sciences Award; a fellow and member of the 
General Council of the International Association for Computational 
Mechanics; a fellow of ASME and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. He is 
editor of Engineering with Computers and on the editorial board of five 
computational mechanics journals.

Dr. Carl W. Gable, Staff Scientist
EES-6, MS T003
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos NM 87545

gable at lanl.gov     Voice 505-665-3533     Fax   505-665-8737
http://www.ees.lanl.gov/staff/gable     http://lagrit.lanl.gov

Hydrology, Geochemistry & Geology Group (EES-6)
Focus: Geophysics, Hydrology, Mesh Generation
Correspondence / TSPA

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