[CIG-SHORT] seeking individuals interested in learning adaptive mesh refinement

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Mon Oct 29 11:29:45 PDT 2007

Hi all:

Last week, CIG held a hands-on workshop on adaptive mesh refinement. This 
included tutorials from Wolfgang Bangerth on using deal.II to do adaptive 
mesh refinement (AMR). The detailed documentation and numerous examples made 
deal.II easy to learn and use. Furthermore, everyone agreed that deal.II is a 
wonderful (nearly painless) way to learn finite-element modeling. Although we 
plan to add AMR to PyLith, there are a number of features that have higher 
priorities. In the meantime, if you are interested in simple problems 
(relatively simple geometries and rheologies) where AMR would be helpful, 
deal.II could be a very useful tool. 

The Science Steering Committee will likely be reevaluating CIG priorities as a 
result of this workshop. One possibility under consideration is developing 
one or more geodynamics applications using deal.II. Such an effort would 
likely involve members of the community working with Wolfgang to implement 
these simple, targeted applications.

If you are interested in getting involved in using deal.II and AMR, please let 
me know ASAP. I would be happy to provide more detail about what would be 
required to use deal.II for a specific problem involving quasi-static 
modeling of crustal deformation.


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