[CIG-SHORT] pylith error

Christopher DiCaprio dicaprio at gps.caltech.edu
Wed Sep 26 18:30:51 PDT 2007

One more question:

I realized that I had not compiled pylith with cubit support so I  
went back and re-ran configure with --enable-cubit=yes  Then make;  
make install

$PREFIX/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pylith/meshio/ contains
MeshIOCubit.py  MeshIOCubit.pyc  MeshIOCubit.pyo

but I get this error when running a model with a Cubit mesh:
 > pylith dislocation.cfg
 >> /home/dicaprio/local/pylith-build/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ 
-- petsc(info)
-- Initializing PETSc.
 >> /home/dicaprio/local/pylith-build/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ 
-- meshiocubit(info)
-- Reading finite-element mesh
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
   what():  Not configured to use CUBIT.
[0]0:Return code = 0, signaled with Aborted

If I run nm for my build I get this:
 > nm meshiomodule.so | grep -i cubit
0001f944 T MeshIOCubit_constructor
0001fb1c T MeshIOCubit_filename_get
0001fa30 T MeshIOCubit_filename_set
0001cf2c t __pyx_f_6meshio_11MeshIOCubit___init__
0001ce98 t __pyx_getprop_6meshio_11MeshIOCubit_filename
000583c0 d __pyx_getsets_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
00058af8 b __pyx_methods_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
00058e48 b __pyx_ptype_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
0001cd9c t __pyx_setprop_6meshio_11MeshIOCubit_filename
00058b08 b __pyx_tp_as_buffer_MeshIOCubit
00058b18 b __pyx_tp_as_mapping_MeshIOCubit
00058b80 b __pyx_tp_as_number_MeshIOCubit
00058b40 b __pyx_tp_as_sequence_MeshIOCubit
0001b7b8 t __pyx_tp_clear_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
0001b764 t __pyx_tp_dealloc_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
0001b734 t __pyx_tp_new_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
0001b788 t __pyx_tp_traverse_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
00058300 D __pyx_type_6meshio_MeshIOCubit

For the pre-built tarball:
 > nm meshiomodule.so | grep -i cubit
00008f54 T MeshIOCubit_constructor
00009264 T MeshIOCubit_filename_get
000090f8 T MeshIOCubit_filename_set
000068a0 t __pyx_f_6meshio_11MeshIOCubit___init__
00006800 t __pyx_getprop_6meshio_11MeshIOCubit_filename
0000dc00 d __pyx_getsets_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
0000e31c b __pyx_methods_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
0000e66c b __pyx_ptype_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
00006710 t __pyx_setprop_6meshio_11MeshIOCubit_filename
0000e32c b __pyx_tp_as_buffer_MeshIOCubit
0000e33c b __pyx_tp_as_mapping_MeshIOCubit
0000e3a0 b __pyx_tp_as_number_MeshIOCubit
0000e360 b __pyx_tp_as_sequence_MeshIOCubit
00005020 t __pyx_tp_clear_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
00004fb0 t __pyx_tp_dealloc_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
00004f70 t __pyx_tp_new_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
00004fe0 t __pyx_tp_traverse_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
0000db40 D __pyx_type_6meshio_MeshIOCubit
0000b324 W _ZN6pylith6meshio11MeshIOCubit8filenameEPKc
          U _ZN6pylith6meshio11MeshIOCubitC1Ev
0000b352 W _ZNK6pylith6meshio11MeshIOCubit8filenameEv
0000bf20 r _ZZ23MeshIOCubit_constructorE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
0000bf80 r _ZZ24MeshIOCubit_filename_getE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
0000bf40 r _ZZ24MeshIOCubit_filename_setE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__

The last few symbols are missing from my build vs. the pre-built  
binaries.  This is not the case if I compare references to e.g. lagrit


On Sep 26, 2007, at 4:17 PM, Brad Aagaard wrote:

> Chris-
> Try running "make" and then "make install" in the tests/pytests/utils
> directory. This is a little Python module that is only used in the
> spatialdata testing. It should be created when running "make" and  
> "make
> install" at the top-level spatialdata build directory.
> Brad
> On Wednesday 26 September 2007, Christopher DiCaprio wrote:
>> Removing the errant directory and rebuilding proj and spatialdata
>> with the datum shifts has fixed it.  My build of pylith now works!
>> I get a few errors when running spatialdata pytests, perhaps related
>> a problem with cppunit.
>> Thanks to all the developers for their help.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris

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