[CIG-SHORT] PyLith cfg/odb files

Tabrez Ali stali at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 8 12:28:29 PST 2008

PyLith users/developers

I need to come to speed with the way BC's and material props are  
defined in PyLith 1.0 and I dont know python so a few quick questions  
(in the context of benchmark problems):

1. If I use X number of faults (X>1) then do I need to create a  
separate odb file where I define all the X faults

2. Is the sole purpose of these odb files simply to create labels

3. Is it necessary to repeat the quadrature parameters for each block

4. Whats the deal with factory/container terminology. Are they  
related to oops. If so then can you please explain in the context of  
Fortran (if possible)

Thanks in advance


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