[CIG-SHORT] pylith time stepping

Christopher DiCaprio dicaprio at gps.caltech.edu
Tue May 13 16:02:11 PDT 2008

PyLith developers,

I'm trying to write a PyLith component for rudimentary variable time  
step size. My component, called ImplicitManualdt, is similar to  
Implicit, but it replaces the Formulation.stableTimeStep() with a  
method that reads time step sizes sequentially from a text file. It  
works when I specify the same size for every step (i.e. repeat the  
same value in the timestep file), but I get the following error when  
I give it a file that has more than one time step size:

  -- Advancing solution from t=1.57788e+06*s to t=4.73364e+06*s.
  >> /home/dicaprio/local/pylith-build/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ 
  -- implicit_manualdt(info)
  -- Integrating residual term in operator.
[0]0:Return code = 0, signaled with Aborted

Does this have anything to do with the initialization of the  
integrator(s) in Formulation.py? Formulation.initialize() calculates  
numTimeSteps assuming a constant time step size and that value is  
used here:

integrator.initialize(totalTime, numTimeSteps)

Any advice?


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