[CIG-SHORT] [Fwd: Re: Tensors in Paraview]

Thorsten Becker twb at usc.edu
Tue May 20 09:50:43 PDT 2008

Dear Paraview (or MayaVi) users within the CIG community:

Would it be useful to have the Paraview software implement the VTK
Tensor format so that (strain, strain-rate, stress, moment) tensors
could be visualized in different ways through glyphs? 

(Paraview is a parallel, open source, 3-D VTK visualizing tool that at
least strikes me as quite flexible and excels particularly for
quantitative analysis. Several codes' output (e.g. PyLith, Citcom) can
already be viewed in Paraview.)

I've sent a few emails back and forth with Berk Geveci, the main
developer of Paraview, and he suggested that he could provide a template
for someone else (who knows a bit of VTK) to fill in the details.

If this deemed useful for enough people in the lithospheric and mantle
modeling communities, should we perhaps make this a small action item
for one of the CIG staff?



 Thorsten W Becker                   Department of Earth Sciences              
 University of Southern California                   213.740.8365      
 Los Angeles CA 90089-0740            geodynamics.usc.edu/~becker

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