[CIG-SHORT] on a typo: power-law-cefficient

Ikuo Cho ikuo-chou at aist.go.jp
Wed Feb 24 23:53:32 PST 2010

Dear Pylith Developers:

Thanks for a downloadable linux binary version of Pylith 1.4.2 for 64bit
computer. It is very helpful for me.

Today I report a tiny typo in a example file. 
 A parameter "power-law-coeff" of the "value-names" should be corrected
as "power-law-coeffient" in the filepylith-1.4.2-linux-x86_64/src/pylith/examples/3d/hex8/mat_powerlaw.spatialdb. 

I rewrote the parameters in pylithapp.cfg and dislocation.cfg in the example directory as 

* pylithapp.cfg
< materials.viscoelastic = pylith.materials.MaxwellIsotropic3D
> materials.viscoelastic = pylith.materials.PowerLaw3D

< db_properties.iohandler.filename = mat_maxwell.spatialdb
> db_properties.iohandler.filename = mat_powerlaw.spatialdb

* dislocation.cfg
< cell_info_fields = [density,mu,lambda,maxwell_time]
> cell_info_fields = [density,mu,lambda]

and obtained the following results.

RuntimeError: Could not find value power-law-coefficient in spatial database
spatial database. Available values are:

The calculation was finished succesfully when I rewrote the parameter in mat_powerlaw.spatialdb as 

> value-names = density vs vp power-law-coeff power-law-exponent // names of the material property values

< value-names = density vs vp power-law-coefficient power-law-exponent // names of the material property values

A correction in the downloadable archive would be appreciated. 

Ikuo Cho

Geological Survey of Japan,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Tsukuba Central 7, Tsukuba 305-8567 Japan
Tel +81-29-861-3891, Fax +81-29-861-3682

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