[CIG-SHORT] help-components for mac executable: Format and error question

Rowena Lohman rolohman at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 06:50:07 PDT 2012

Hi folks,

I'm still trying to adapt the greensfn problem to my own needs,
including having it output to a non-points format since that didn't
work for my 3D problem (discussed in last thread with Brad).  I'm
using the pre-built binary for OSX, on a macbook laptop running

I'm trying to build my .cfg file using the help-components command
line usage to see what the current values and possible values are, as
well as whether when I'm setting them they are actually getting used
or not.

Question 1: Before I go too far with this, I'd like to know if some
odd behavior I'm seeing is normal for the current version or a problem
with the binary.  In previous incarnations (okay, 1.3!) I could type
pylith --help-components anywhere and get the help message.  If I was
in a directory with a pylithapp.cfg file that had a problem (i.e., I
set the material to "bogus"), it would still give me the tree of
values and possible settings.

In my current version (10.7.1), if I type pylith --help-components in
a random directory (i.e., one with no .cfg files), I get the
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/rowenalohman/work/programs/pylith/pylith-1.7.1-darwin-10.6.8/bin/pylith",
line 39, in <module>
  File "/Users/rowenalohman/work/programs/pylith/pylith-1.7.1-darwin-10.6.8/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pythia-",
line 41, in start
  File "/Users/rowenalohman/work/programs/pylith/pylith-1.7.1-darwin-10.6.8/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pythia-",
line 125, in run
  File "/Users/rowenalohman/work/programs/pylith/pylith-1.7.1-darwin-10.6.8/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pythia-",
line 84, in applyConfiguration
    raise ValueError("%s\nBacktrace - Component %s" % (err.message, aliases))
ValueError: Filename for ASCII input mesh not specified.
Backtrace - Component meshioascii, reader
Backtrace - Component meshimporter, mesh_generator
Backtrace - Component pylithapp

If I am in a directory with a "perfect" cfg file, it works as
expected.  Is this the new order of things, or is there some other

Rowena Lohman
Assistant Professor
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Snee Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph: 607-255-6929
fax: 607-254-4780

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