[CIG-SHORT] Change in dt means new Jacobian

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Tue Sep 4 07:29:03 PDT 2012

On 09/03/2012 08:54 PM, Birendra jha wrote:
> 3. How do I utilize multiple cores on a single machine? Sorry if this
> question is already answered somewhere. I found instructions on
> running parallel using a batch system but don't know how to run on 1
> node and use multiple cores. Does this require re-building Pylith?

To run in parallel all you have to do is add the command line argument 
--nodes=NUM_CORES. You do not need to rebuild.

> 4. For HDF5 output, is it correct that the I have to wait until
> finish to get the xmf file which is needed to load h5 files in
> Paraview? Manual says "This file is written when PyLith closes the
> HDF5 file at the end of the simulation".

The Xdmf file is written when PyLith closes the HDF5 file at the end of 
a simulation. There is a python script included with PyLith called 
pylith_genxdmf that will generate the Xdmf file given an HDF5 file. This 
is handy if a simulation did not finish or you add additional fields to 
an existing HDF5 file. Generating the Xdmf file in the middle of a 
simulation can work but it is risky because the HDF5 file can get 
corrupted if multiple processes try to access the file simultaneously.

   pylith_genxdmf --file=HDF5_FILE


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