[CIG-SHORT] A problem with Green's function generation examples

周宇 zhouyuking39 at qq.com
Tue Sep 11 21:25:20 PDT 2012

Dear developers:
              I'm so glad that pylith-1.7.1 can compute static Green's     function and a 2D example in contained in the example directory of     pylith release package. When I ran the 2D strikeslip example, it     went so well. Then I ran a simple 3D example written by myself, the     following error message prompted out after I ran "pylith     --problem=pylith.problems.GreensFns"
     Traceback (most recent call           last):
         File           "/opt/pylith-1.7.1-linux-x86_64/bin/pylith", line 39, in           <module>
         File           "/opt/pylith-1.7.1-linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pythia-",           line 41, in start
         File           "/opt/pylith-1.7.1-linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pythia-",           line 125, in run
         File           "/opt/pylith-1.7.1-linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pythia-",           line 84, in applyConfiguration
           raise ValueError("%s\nBacktrace -           Component %s" % (err.message, aliases))
       ValueError: Error while configuring           spatial database reader (simpleioascii, iohandler):
       Filename for spatial database not           specified.
       Backtrace - Component simpleioascii,           iohandler
       Backtrace - Component simpledb, slip
       Backtrace - Component stepslipfn,           slip_function
       Backtrace - Component eqkinsrc, rupture
       Backtrace - Component singlerupture,           eq_srcs
       Backtrace - Component faultcohesivekin,           fault
       Backtrace - Component interfaces
       Backtrace - Component greensfns, problem
       Backtrace - Component pylithapp
          I checked every line of my pylithapp.cfg and greenfns.cfg, but I     couldn't find anything wrong. Then I looked up in the maillist,     fortunately I found another example in CIG-SHORT Digest, Vol 70,     Issue 18 in the attachment by Rowena Lohman. Her example seems all     right according to her mail except for a minor output problem, but     when I downloaded the attachment and ran it, the same error message     prompt up again. I can't figure out the error message because I do     have specified every spatialdb file name!
     I attached both my example and Lohman's in this mail. My pylith     version is pylith-1.7.1-linux-i686 binary. Could you help me with     this problem?
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