[CIG-SHORT] problem getting fault rupture (slip weakening)

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Thu Apr 25 11:49:35 PDT 2013


I re-read your email and now I see that you did try a larger 
slip-weakening slip distance. I am not familiar with the problem you are 
solving and don't have time to look into it.

I suspect you still have some scaling issues. I would start by writing 
down the order of magnitudes of the stresses, tractions, BC, 
displacements, and slip and rates you expect to see. These are the 
driving scales in your problem. Select your nondimensionalization 
parameters so that the nondimensional quantities of these fields are 
within at least few orders of magnitude of each other. The further apart 
the nondimensionalized fields are, the more ill conditioned the problem 
is going to be.


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