[CIG-SHORT] Output Material Subset

Scott Henderson sth54 at cornell.edu
Sun Dec 1 14:37:07 PST 2013

In Pylith is it possible to output stresses resolved onto an arbitrary surface (not a defined fault) for a 3D model? 

I’m imagining something like OutputSolnSubset for materials where you specify a Cubit nodeset based on a material surface. For example, this would be useful for plotting stress contours in a profile through a 3D domain:

output =  pylith.meshio.OutputSolnSubset

label = face_y
cell_filter = pylith.meshio.CellFilterAvgSubMesh
cell_data_fields = [total-strain, stress] 
writer = pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5SubMesh
writer.filename = output/step01/NorthSouthMaterialCrossSection.h5

This is similar to the question of getting stresses at specified points (http://www.geodynamics.org/pipermail/cig-short/2012-October/001165.html). So I know it’s possible to do this as post-processing in Python or Matlab. Maybe there is also an easy way to export ’slices' of 3D data from Paraview too? Any suggestions would be appreciated,


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