[CIG-SHORT] Error Installing Pylith on Cluster

Xiao Ma maxiaodage at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 12 10:52:23 PST 2014

Brad- I am using an stalled version which is on the my campus cluster.
I am forwarding the following message from the Administer of the cluster
Hi Xiao,

Open MPI requires libxml2 to be available at build time (so I assume you are
using the "DESKTOP-LINUX-OPENMPI" option in the attached INSTALL document).
libxml2 is available via modules:

module load libxml2/2.9.1

Your software build also requires unzip, load it with:

module load unzip/unzip60

I should mention that a generic build of Open MPI may not run correctly when
running on multiple nodes in a batch job on the campus cluster. You can
this once you have your software installed. Also, the version of Open MPI
Pylith used is 1.4.5, which is old. So I tried to build Pylith using the
MPI 1.6.5 built with the Intel compiler and Python 2.7.8 already on the
(following the "DEFAULT" option in the INSTALL document):

module load openmpi/1.6.5-intel-14.0

module load python/2.7.8

./configure CC=icc CXX=icpc FC=ifort --with-make-threads=2
--enable-force-install --prefix= …

Unfortunately, I got the error:
ifort: error #10236: File not found: 'libnetcdff.so.5'

I did a google search, and found a discussion at
https://geodynamics.org/pipermail/cig-short/2014-October/001861.html. This
references the INSTALL file for the solution, but that is already in


Susan John
Campus Cluster User Services
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