[CIG-SHORT] Fault opening and penetration

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Mon Mar 23 09:25:40 PDT 2015

On 3/23/15 8:34 AM, GeLi wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some questions about fault opening/penetration and following
> traction evolution.
> 1.
> When ‘free-open surface=False’, it says in pylith manual that prescribed
> trations will applied even when fault opens.
> As I check the the result of step20(dike intrusiont examples), however,
> I find the traction is zero even when fault opens. Why?

This is an artifact in the output. There isn't an easy fix for this, and 
since this was a rare case I haven't spent much time looking for a 
better solution.

> 2. What about traction penetration? How does pylith deal with traction
> when vertex normal slip is negative? I find traction decrease to zero
> drastically after fault penetrates in my simulations.
>   I checked the code in libsrc/pylith/faults/FaultCohesiveDyn.cc. It
> seems that both fault penetration and '_openFreeSurface = False’
> cases yield the same results.

Interpenetration is never allowed, slip slipNormal < _zeroTolerance.


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