[CIG-SHORT] Benchmark Pylith with viscoelastic analytic solution for a pressurized sphere

Francisco Delgado fjd49 at cornell.edu
Mon Sep 26 13:52:12 PDT 2016

Dear Pylith developers,

I'm trying to simulate the ground displacement produced by a small
pressurised cavity surrounded by a viscoelastic shell (equation 7.105 from
Segall's Earthquake and Volcano Deformation book) and Pylith does a good
job within a few mm of uncertainty. The difference between the analytic and
the numerical solution is at most 0.6 mm for a signal with a maximum
amplitude of 2.49 cm, however I've noticed that this last figure increases
as time goes forward, very small but in the end negligible variations
(evident in the attached plot, the profiles are calculated for the point of
maximum uplift).

[image: Inline image 1]. Is this a typical issue of numerical viscoelastic
models or is it related to the relatively low resolution of the finite
element mesh??


Francisco Delgado
PhD student in Geological Sciences
Cornell University
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