[CIG-SHORT] 2nd Announcement for the 2017 Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial and Workshop

Matthew Knepley knepley at rice.edu
Thu Feb 9 09:06:55 PST 2017

Something is wrong with registration. I keep hitting submit, and it tells
me that a field in incomplete, but they are all filled in.


On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 10:56 AM, Brad Aagaard <baagaard at usgs.gov> wrote:

> 2nd Announcement for the 2017 Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial and
> Workshop
> June 26-30, 2017, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
> https://geodynamics.org/cig/events/calendar/2017-cdm-workshop/
> The focus of this gathering will be computational models addressing
> crustal deformation over the the seismic cycle across single and
> multiple events. Other related topics, such as the mechanical
> properties of the lithosphere will also be discussed. The workshop
> will blend science talks on case studies from particular faulting
> environments and on key rheological behavior with discussions of
> current obstacles to crustal deformation modeling.
> As in previous years, topics will also span a variety of computational
> issues including how to go from a geologic structural model to a
> finite-element model, various numerical issues such as choosing
> discretization schemes and meshing strategies, and consideration of
> different bulk and fault zone rheologies. Another explicit goal of
> this workshop is to provide basic training in the installation, use,
> and customization of existing, freely available modeling software for
> crustal deformation. There will be dedicated time throughout the
> workshop for hands-on interaction with other users and developers of
> existing tools. More details of the agenda will be posted in the next
> month.
> This year's workshop will be held June 26-30, 2017, in Golden, Colorado
> on the campus of the Colorado School of Mines. The first two days of
> the workshop will be tutorials (Day 1: intermediate, Day 2:
> intermediate/advanced) followed by three days of science talks,
> discussions, and informal tutorials and collaboration.  We expect
> beginner modelers to make use of the extensive online training
> materials before the workshop.
> We expect to be able to provide reimbursement for a portion of the
> costs incurred for registered attendees with official appointments at
> U.S. institutions.
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