[CIG-SHORT] Problem

Li, Teng tengli2 at illinois.edu
Wed Jan 25 17:02:42 PST 2017

I just installed Pylith 2.10 using Pylith 2.10 binary on Windows 8. However, when I try to run an example by typing:  pylith axialdisp.cfg. Then I get the following errors:

>> (command line)::
>> pyre.inventory(error)
 --  file not found: 'axialdisp.cfg'
     pylithapp:  configuration error(s)

Then I find a similar error in the manual. The solution that manual offers is to change the PATH environmental variable. Could you please tell me how to change the PATH by coding in the Pylith?


Teng Li

Master Candidate in Structures

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

205 North Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL. 61801

Phone:(217)8196210, Email: tengli2 at illinois.edu

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