[CIG-SHORT] Friction spatialdb error when more than 2 locations are specified

Ekaterina Bolotskaya bolee at mit.edu
Mon Jun 5 20:01:16 PDT 2017

Dear PyLith developers,

I'm currently trying to create a frictional surface with stepwise changing friction coefficient and cohesion (three intervals). I've created a SimpleDB that looks like this:

// -*- C++ -*- (tell Emacs to use C++ mode for syntax highlighting)
// This spatial database specifies the distribution of
// friction coefficient and cohesion along the fault

#SPATIAL.ascii 1
SimpleDB {
  num-values  = 2
  value-names = friction-coefficient cohesion
  value-units = none MPa
  num-locs    = 3
  data-dim    = 1    // locations form a line
  space-dim   = 2
  cs-data     = cartesian {
    to-meters = 1.0  // specify coordinates in m
space-dim = 2

//  Columns are
// (1) x coordinate (m)
// (2) y coordinate (m)
// (3) friction-coefficient (none)
// (4) cohesion (MPa)

 -0.75   0.0    0.85    1.0
  0.0    0.0    0.85    0.0
  0.75   0.0    0.85    1.0

And I call it like this:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# faults
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Change fault to dynamic fault interface.
fault = pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveDyn

zero_tolerance = 1.0e-9

# The label corresponds to the name of the nodeset in CUBIT.
label = fault

# Use the static friction model.
friction = pylith.friction.StaticFriction
friction.label = Static friction

# The fault cells are 1D (line).
quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATSimplex
quadrature.cell.dimension = 1

friction.db_properties = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
friction.db_properties.label = Static friction
friction.db_properties.iohandler.filename = spatialdb/friction.spatialdb
#friction.db_properties.query_type = linear

However when I run it in PyLith I receive the following error:

RuntimeError: Error occurred while reading spatial database file 'spatialdb/friction.spatialdb'.
Unknown error while reading.

This happens only with 3 or more locations specified in the spatialdb. If I leave only 2 locations it works fine.

Could you please help me with this?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Best regards,
Ekaterina Bolotskaya

PhD in Geophysics,
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science Department,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
E-mail. bolee at mit.edu
Mob. +1 (857) 284-2805<tel:%2B1%20%28857%29%20284-2805>
         +7 (963) 995-36-33<tel:%2B7%20%28963%29%20995-36-33>
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