[CIG-SHORT] problem about discreting 3-D mesh model

tu xiang tuxiang2016 at outlook.com
Fri Nov 24 03:48:18 PST 2017

Hello,  everyone
As we know, the size of the mesh model cells should satisfy the CFL condition while doing dynamic simulation. Recently, I construct a 3-D model and I want to mesh the model into the minmum size cells of 80 m. I set:
# Uniform resolution tetmesh.
volume all scheme tetmesh
volume all size {80.0*m}
mesh volume all

But I find that the trelis compute slow and finally collapse.

Does anyone would like to tell me how to solve this problem?

The attached files are the jou file the construct the model.

You should first run the geometry_surfs.jou file to generate a fault and then run the mest_tet.jou file

Best regards
Tu Xiang

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