[CIG-SHORT] Rate and state friction friction.linear_slip_rate nondimentional?

Ekaterina Bolotskaya bolee at mit.edu
Wed Feb 28 15:50:44 PST 2018

Dear Pylith developers,

I'm using rate and state friction model in my simulations.
I found in the manual that friction.linear_slip_rate is a nondimentional quantity that should be about one order of magnitude larger than absolute tolerance in solve.

Could you tell me how Pylith uses this nondimentional value (friction.linear_slip_rate) with my dimentional slip rate and reference slip rate? Or how does it nondimentionalize dimentional rates? And what should the relation between the three approximately be? I just want to make sure the three of them are reasonable with regard to each other.


Best regards,
Ekaterina Bolotskaya

PhD student in Geophysics,
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science Department,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
E-mail. bolee at mit.edu
Mob. +1 (857) 284-2805<tel:%2B1%20%28857%29%20284-2805>
         +7 (963) 995-36-33<tel:%2B7%20%28963%29%20995-36-33>
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