[CIG-SHORT] defining fault_edge nodes

Niloufar Abolfathian niloufar.abolfathian at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 12:38:35 PDT 2018


I am modeling a 3D vertical fault in an upper crust, lying on a lower
crust. It is as your 3d/hex example instead of that the fault is only
located in the upper crust.  I set up the nodes related to the fault and
fault_edge. From my meshing and node selection the fault should only be
located in the upper crust, but after running the model the fault is
extended below the upper crust. I guess it may be due to the selection of
fault and fault_edge nodes. Hope you can help me with this issue.

Question: Should the fault_edge nodes be also included in fault nodes? (I
suppose the answer is yes, due to the figure 6.4 in the manual.)
I tried excluding fault_edge nodes from the fault but then the model will
not be converged.

I have another question. In the example 3d/hex model, if we want to define
a boundary condition on y_neg/y_pos , the fault nodes be excluded az z_neg,

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