2007 CIG/SPICE/IRIS Workshop Program and Abstracts
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Organizing Committee
2007 CIG/SPICE/IRIS Workshop Program and Abstracts. October 9-11, 2007.
2023 PyLith Hackathon
02 Aug 2023 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Workshop report
3-D Spherical Mantle Convection with Radial Basis Functions
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Grady B. Wright, Natasha Flyer, David Yuen
3-D Spherical Mantle Convection with Radial Basis Functions. March 30-31, 2009. Grady B. Wright, Natasha Flyer, David Yuen.
3D spherical gridding
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Christian Huettig
3D spherical gridding based on equidistant, constant volume cells for FV/FD methods. June 19, 2005. Christian Huettig.
A Bayesian Approach for Inter-plate Coupling Models in Subduction Zones
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Fransisco Ortega, Mark Simons
A Bayesian Approach for Inter-plate Coupling Models in Subduction Zones. June 23-27, 2008. Fransisco Ortega.
A finite volume solution method for thermal convection in a spherical shell with strong temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Kai Stemmer, H. Harder, U. Hansen
A finite volume solution method for thermal convection in a spherical shell with strong temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity. June 19, 2005. Kai Stemmer, H. Harder, U. Hansen.
A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matt Knepley, Leif Strand, Sue Kientz
A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation. October 9-11, 2007. Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matt Knepley, Leif Strand, Sue Kientz.
A Solid Earth Research and Teaching Environment
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Hannah Waterhouse, Kevin Milner, Thorsten Becker, Jared Sain, Danijel Schorlemmer
A Solid Earth Research and Teaching Environment. March 30-31, 2009. Hannah Waterhhouse, Kevin Milner, Thorsten Becker, Jared Sain, Danijel Schorlemmer.
Accuracy of Spectral Element Methods for Wave Propagation Modeling
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Saulo P. Oliveira, Géza Seriani
Accuracy of Spectral Element Methods for Wave Propagation Modeling. October 9-11, 2007. Saulo P. Oliveira and Géza Seriani.
Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR)
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Carsten Burstedde, Omar Ghattas, Georg Stadler, Lucas C. Wilcox, George Biros, Michael Gurnis, Shijie Zhong, Wolfgang Bangerth
Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR). March 30-31, 2009. Carsten Burstedde.
An Introduction to the TeraGrid
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Jeffrey Gardner
An Introduction to the TeraGrid. June 20, 2005. Jeffrey Gardner.
Automatic Code Generation and the FEniCS Project
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Anders Logg
Automatic Code Generation and the FEniCS Project. March 30-31, 2009. Anders Logg.
Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for a Mw 7.8 Southern San Andreas Earthquake: Shake Out
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Robert Graves, Brad Aagaard, Ken Hudnut
Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for a Mw 7.8 Southern San Andreas Earthquake: Shake Out. October 9-11, 2007. Robert W. Graves, Brad Aagaard, Ken Hudnut.
CIG Geodynamics Software: Modeling Tools for the Earth Science Community
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Eh Tan
CIG Geodynamics Software: Modeling Tools for the Earth Science Community. October 9-11, 2007. Eh Tan.
CIG Long Term Tectonics Working Group Current and Future Computational Geoscience Directions: Successes & Failures
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Long-Term Tectonics Working Group
CIG Long Term Tectonics Working Group Current and Future Computational Geoscience Directions: Successes & Failures. March 30-31, 2009. Long-Term Tectonics Working Group.
CIG Science Gateways: Using Supercomputers through a Browser
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): L. Strand, Y. Kim, J. Tromp, D. Komantitsch, C. Tape, W. Mei, P. Olson, L. Armendariz, S. Kientz
CIG Science Gateways: Using Supercomputers through a Browser. October 9-11, 2007. L. Strand, Y. Kim, J. Tromp, D. Komantitsch, C. Tape, W. Mei, P. Olson, L. Armendariz, S. Kientz.
CIG Workshop: Opportunities and Challenges in Computational Geophysics Welcome and Overview
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Marc Spiegelman
CIG Workshop: Opportunities and Challenges in Computational Geophysics Welcome and Overview. March 30-31, 2009. Marc Spiegelman.
CIG's Activities in and Impact on Mantle Convection Studies
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Shijie Zhong
CIG’s Activities in and Impact on Mantle Convection Studies. March 30-31, 2009. Shijie Zhong.
CIG-II: Futures
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Louise Kellogg
CIG-II: Futures. March 30-31, 2009. Louise Kellogg.
CIG: Short-Term Tectonics State of the union
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Mark Simons
CIG: Short-Term Tectonics State of the union. March 30-31, 2009. Mark Simons.
Community Benchmarks
26 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Charles WIlliams
Community Benchmarks. June 23-27, 2008. Charles Williams.
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics: Results and Comments
31 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Staff
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics: Results and Comments. March 30-21, 2009.
Constraints on Global Mantle Flow and Lithosphere Net Rotation from Seismic Anisotorpy
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Clinton P. Conrad, Mark D. Behn
Constraints on Global Mantle Flow and Lithosphere Net Rotation from Seismic Anisotorpy. March 30-31, 2009. Clinton P. Conrad, Mark D. Behn.
Constructing 3D Sensitivity Kernels and Working Towards 3D Tomographic Inversions Based upon Adjoint Methods
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Qinya Liu, Jeroen Tromp, Carl Tape, Alessia Maggi, Urska Manners, Guy Masters
Constructing 3D Sensitivity Kernels and Working Towards 3D Tomographic Inversions Based upon Adjoint Methods. October 9-11, 2007. Qinya Liu, Jeroen Tromp, Carl Tape, Alessia Maggi, Urska Manners, Guy Masters.
Cooperative Institute for Deep Earth Research
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Barbara Romanowicz
Cooperative Institute for Deep Earth Research. March 30-31, 2009. Barbara Romanowicz.
Crustal deformation and block kinematics of Taiwan
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Ruey-Juin Rau, Kuo-En Ching, Jian-Cheng Lee, Jyr-Ching Hu
Crustal deformation and block kinematics of Taiwan. June 23-27, 2008. Ruey-Juin Rau.
Crustal deformation in Iceland
26 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Freysteinn Sigmundsson
Crustal deformation in Iceland. June 23-27, 2008. Freysteinn Sigmundsson.
CUBIT and seismic wave propagation based upon the Spectral-Element Method
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): E. Casarotti, M. Stupazzini, S.J. Lee, D. Komatitsch, A. Piersanti, J. Tromp.
GEOCUBIT - CUBIT and seismic wave propagation based upon the Spectral-Element Method: An advanced unstructured mesher for complex 3D geological media. October 9-11, 2007. E. Casarotti, M. Stupazzini, S.J. Lee, D. Komatitsch, A. Piersanti, J. Tromp.
CUBIT: Geometry and Mesh Generation Toolkit
26 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Emanuele Casarotti
CUBIT: Geometry and Mesh Generation Toolkit. June 23-27, 2008. Emanuele Casarotti.
Current and Future Computational Geoscience Directions: Successes & Failures
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Allan Levander, Michael Ritzwoller, Jeroen Tromp, Michael Wyssession
Current and Future Computational Geoscience Directions: Successes & Failures. March 30-31, 2009. Allen Levander.
Data Assimilation: One Perspective, Some Examples
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Gary Egbert
Data Assimilation: One Perspective, Some Examples. March 30-31, 2009. Gary Egbert.
Development of Variational Data Assimilation for Active Tectonics Studies
26 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Kush Tandon, Gary Egbert
Development of Variational Data Assimilation for Active Tectonics Studies. June 23-27, 2008. Kush Tandon, Gary Egbert.
Do repeating earthquakes at Parkfield talk to each other?
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Kate Huihsuan Chen, Roland Bürgmann, Robert M. Nadeau
Do repeating earthquakes at Parkfield talk to each other?. June 23-27, 2008. Kate Huihsuan Chen.
Education and Training
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Education and Training. March 30-31, 2009. Brad Aagaard.
European Training Programmes in Computational Seismology
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Heiner Igel
European Training Programmes in Computational Seismology. March 30-31, 2009. Heiner Igel.
Farallon Subduction Reconstructed by Inverse Dynamic Models: Stratigraphy Verifications and Geophysical implications
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Lijun Liu, Sonja Spasojevic, Michael Gurnis
Farallon Subduction Reconstructed by Inverse Dynamic Models: Stratigraphy Verifications and Geophysical implications. March 30-31, 2009. Lijun Liu, Sonja Spasojevic, Michael Gurnis.
Finite Prandtl Number Convection
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Catherine A. Hier-Majumder
Finite Prandtl Number Convection. June 20, 2005. Catherine A. Hier-Majumder.
Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic observables to mantle anisotropy based upon adjoint methods
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Anne Sieminski, Qinya Liu, Jeannot Trampert, Jeroen Tromp
Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic observables to mantle anisotropy based upon adjoint methods. October 9-11, 2007. Anne Sieminski, Qinya Liu, Jeannot Trampert, Jeroen Tromp.
26 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Walter Landry
Gale. June 23-27, 2008. Walter Landry.
General Unstructured Mesh Adaptation: Its Strengths and Weaknesses
26 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): M.S. Shephard
General Unstructured Mesh Adaptation: Its Strengths and Weaknesses. June 23-27, 2008. M.S. Shephard.
Generating Green's Functions with Pylith
26 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Rowena Lohman
Generating Green’s Functions with Pylith. June 23-27, 2008. Rowena Lohman.
GeoFEST Progress
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Jay Parker, Gregory Lyzenga, Charles Norton, Margaret Glasscoe
GeoFEST Progress. June 23-27, 2008. Jay Parker, Gregory Lyzenga, Charles Norton, Margaret Glasscoe.
Grain size-dependent viscosity convection
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Slava Solomatov
Grain size-dependent viscosity convection. June 23, 2005. Slava Solomatov.
Ground Motion Modeling of the 1906 Earthquake and Other Large Events on the Northern San Andreas Fault
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Thomas Brocher, David Dolenc, Douglas Dreger, Robert Graves, Stephen Harmsen, Stephen Hartzell, Mary Lou Zoback
Ground Motion Modeling of the 1906 Earthquake and Other Large Events on the Northern San Andreas Fault. October 9-11, 2007. Brad Aagaard, Thomas Brocher, David Dolenc, Douglas Dreger, Robert Graves, Stephen Harmsen, Stephen Hartzell, Mary Lou...
Heterogeneities and complexity in earthquake dynamics
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Jean Paul Ampuero
Heterogeneities and complexity in earthquake dynamics. June 23-27, 2008. Jean Paul Ampuero.
How do we know if plate-like calculations are really plates and does it matter?
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Scott King
How do we know if plate-like calculations are really plates and does it matter? June 22, 2005. Scott King.
How to Stabilize Superplumes
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Eh Tan, Mike Gurnis
How to Stabilize Superplumes (Compressible thermo-chemical convection on African superplume). June 20, 2005. Eh Tan, Mike Gurnis.
Influence of Dynamic Topography on Sea Level and its Rate of Change
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Clinton P. Conrad, Laurent Husson
Influence of Dynamic Topography on Sea Level and its Rate of Change. March 30-31, 2009. Clinton P. Conrad, Laurent Husson.
Influences of Compositional Stratification
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Sarah Zaranek, E.M. Parmentier
Influences of Compositional Stratification. June 19, 2005. Sarah Zaranek, E.M. Parmentier.
Influences of the Postperovskite Transiton on Lower Mantle Dynamics
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): David Yuen, Charley Kameyama, Radek Matyska, Marie Behounokova
Influences of the Postperovskite Transiton on Lower Mantle Dynamics. June 20, 2005. David Yuen, Charley Kameyama, Radek Matyska, Marie Behounokova.