2007 CIG/SPICE/IRIS Workshop Program and Abstracts
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Organizing Committee
2007 CIG/SPICE/IRIS Workshop Program and Abstracts. October 9-11, 2007.
3D numerical mechanical modeling of the southern San Andreas Fault system
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Benjamin Hooks, B.R. Smith-Konter
3D numerical mechanical modeling of the southern San Andreas Fault system. June 14-18, 2010. Benjamin Hooks.
3D spherical gridding
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Christian Huettig
3D spherical gridding based on equidistant, constant volume cells for FV/FD methods. June 19, 2005. Christian Huettig.
A finite volume solution method for thermal convection in a spherical shell with strong temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Kai Stemmer, H. Harder, U. Hansen
A finite volume solution method for thermal convection in a spherical shell with strong temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity. June 19, 2005. Kai Stemmer, H. Harder, U. Hansen.
A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matt Knepley, Leif Strand, Sue Kientz
A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation. October 9-11, 2007. Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matt Knepley, Leif Strand, Sue Kientz.
A model for ductile shear initiated by shear fracture: Application to short term and secular fault slip.
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Luc Lavier, Rick Bennett, Liz Logan, Gianreto Manatschal, Nick Hayman
A model for ductile shear initiated by shear fracture: Application to short term and secular fault slip. June 14-18, 2010. Luc Lavier.
A one dimensional model of Earth structure in the western United States from GPS observation of ocean tidal load
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Takeo Ito, Mark Simons
A one dimensional model of Earth structure in the western United States from GPS observation of ocean tidal load. June 14-18, 2010. Takeo Ito.
Accuracy of Spectral Element Methods for Wave Propagation Modeling
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Saulo P. Oliveira, Géza Seriani
Accuracy of Spectral Element Methods for Wave Propagation Modeling. October 9-11, 2007. Saulo P. Oliveira and Géza Seriani.
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Geodynamics Applications
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Wolfgang Bangerth
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Geodynamics Applications. Sept 15-17, 2008. Wolfgang Bangerth.
Adjoint-Fueled Advances in Error Estimation for Multiscale, Multiphysics Systems
12 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Donald Estep
Adjoint-Fueled Advances in Error Estimation for Multiscale, Multiphysics Systems. September 15-17, 2008. Donald Estep.
An Introduction to the TeraGrid
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Jeffrey Gardner
An Introduction to the TeraGrid. June 20, 2005. Jeffrey Gardner.
An overview of the 4 April 2010 Sierra El Mayor-Cucapah (Baja California) earthquake
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Rich Briggs, Shengji Wei, Eric Fielding, Sebastien Leprince, Anthony Sladen, Risheng Chu, Mark Simons, Jean-Philippe Avouac, Egill Hauksson, Donald V. Helmberger, Rowena Lohman, Ken Hudnut, Sinan Akciz
An overview of the 4 April 2010 Sierra El Mayor-Cucapah (Baja California) earthquake. June 14-18, 2010. Rich Briggs.
Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for a Mw 7.8 Southern San Andreas Earthquake: Shake Out
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Robert Graves, Brad Aagaard, Ken Hudnut
Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for a Mw 7.8 Southern San Andreas Earthquake: Shake Out. October 9-11, 2007. Robert W. Graves, Brad Aagaard, Ken Hudnut.
Building GeoFEST Models
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Jay Parker
Building GeoFEST Models. June 14-18, 2010. Jay Parker.
CIG Geodynamics Software: Modeling Tools for the Earth Science Community
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Eh Tan
CIG Geodynamics Software: Modeling Tools for the Earth Science Community. October 9-11, 2007. Eh Tan.
CIG Science Gateways: Using Supercomputers through a Browser
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): L. Strand, Y. Kim, J. Tromp, D. Komantitsch, C. Tape, W. Mei, P. Olson, L. Armendariz, S. Kientz
CIG Science Gateways: Using Supercomputers through a Browser. October 9-11, 2007. L. Strand, Y. Kim, J. Tromp, D. Komantitsch, C. Tape, W. Mei, P. Olson, L. Armendariz, S. Kientz.
CIG Software for the Geophysics Community
31 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Walter Landry, Eh Tan, Leif Strand, Luis Armendariz, Michael Gurnis, Wei Mi, Michael Aivazis, Brad Aagaard, Matthew Knepley, Marc Spiegelman, Charles Williams, Luke Hodkinson
CIG Software for the Geophysics Community. September 15-17, 2008. Walter Landry.
CitcomS: Compressible Mantle Convection
31 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Eh Tan, M. Gurnis, S. Kientz
CitcomS: Compressible Mantle Convection. September 15-17, 2008. Eh Tan.
Community Benchmarks for Code Verification
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Community Benchmarks for Code Verification. June 14-18, 2010. Brad Aagaard.
Constraining the Physics Governing Collective Behavior of Earthquakes and Faults through Numerical Modeling and Observations
12 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Yehuda Ben-Zion
Constraining the physics governing collective behavior of earthquakes and faults through numerical modeling and observations. September 15-17, 2008. Yehuda Ben-Zion.
Constructing 3D Sensitivity Kernels and Working Towards 3D Tomographic Inversions Based upon Adjoint Methods
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Qinya Liu, Jeroen Tromp, Carl Tape, Alessia Maggi, Urska Manners, Guy Masters
Constructing 3D Sensitivity Kernels and Working Towards 3D Tomographic Inversions Based upon Adjoint Methods. October 9-11, 2007. Qinya Liu, Jeroen Tromp, Carl Tape, Alessia Maggi, Urska Manners, Guy Masters.
Constructing constitutive relations for faulting at high and low sliding speeds
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Nick Beeler
Constructing constitutive relations for faulting at high and low sliding speeds. June 14-18, 2018. Nick Beeler.
CUBIT and seismic wave propagation based upon the Spectral-Element Method
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): E. Casarotti, M. Stupazzini, S.J. Lee, D. Komatitsch, A. Piersanti, J. Tromp.
GEOCUBIT - CUBIT and seismic wave propagation based upon the Spectral-Element Method: An advanced unstructured mesher for complex 3D geological media. October 9-11, 2007. E. Casarotti, M. Stupazzini, S.J. Lee, D. Komatitsch, A. Piersanti, J. Tromp.
Current challenges in computational earthquake dynamics
12 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Jean-Paul Ampuero
Current challenges in computational earthquake dynamics. September 15-17, 2008. Jean-Paul Ampuero.
Extended Finite Element Methods for Crustal Deformation Simulation
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Ethan Coon, Bruce Shaw, Marc Spiegelman
Extended Finite Element Methods for Crustal Deformation Simulation. June 14-18, 2010. Ethan Coon.
Extending PyLith
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley, Surendra Somala
Extending PyLith. June 14-18, 2010. Brad Aagaard.
Fast Algorithms for Inverse Problems Governed by PDEs
12 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): George Biros
Fast algorithms for inverse problems governed by PDEs. September 15-17, 2008. George Biros.
Finite Element Meshing of the SCEC
31 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Carl W. Gable, Brad H. Hager, Jingning Lu, Charles A. Williams
Finite Element Meshing of the SCEC. September 15-17, 2008. Carl W. Gable.
Finite Prandtl Number Convection
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Catherine A. Hier-Majumder
Finite Prandtl Number Convection. June 20, 2005. Catherine A. Hier-Majumder.
Finite-Element Modeling for Crustal Deformation
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Finite-Element Modeling for Crustal Deformation. June 14-18, 2010. Brad Aagaard.
Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic observables to mantle anisotropy based upon adjoint methods
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Anne Sieminski, Qinya Liu, Jeannot Trampert, Jeroen Tromp
Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic observables to mantle anisotropy based upon adjoint methods. October 9-11, 2007. Anne Sieminski, Qinya Liu, Jeannot Trampert, Jeroen Tromp.
Flexible Multi-Physics Solvers for Magma Dynamics
31 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Marc Spiegelman, Gideon Simpson, Michael Weinstein
Flexible Multi-Physics Solvers for Magma Dynamics. September 15-17, 2008. Marc Spiegelman.
Gale: Large Scale Tectonics Modeling With Free Software
31 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Walter Landry, L. Hodkinson, S. Kientz
Gale: Large Scale Tectonics Modeling With Free Software. September 15-17, 2008. Walter Landry.
Generating Meshes for Geodynamic Problems Using Cubit
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Charles Williams, Rowena Lohman
Generating Meshes for Geodynamic Problems Using Cubit. June 14-18, 2010. Charles Williams.
Grain size-dependent viscosity convection
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Slava Solomatov
Grain size-dependent viscosity convection. June 23, 2005. Slava Solomatov.
Ground Motion Modeling of the 1906 Earthquake and Other Large Events on the Northern San Andreas Fault
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Thomas Brocher, David Dolenc, Douglas Dreger, Robert Graves, Stephen Harmsen, Stephen Hartzell, Mary Lou Zoback
Ground Motion Modeling of the 1906 Earthquake and Other Large Events on the Northern San Andreas Fault. October 9-11, 2007. Brad Aagaard, Thomas Brocher, David Dolenc, Douglas Dreger, Robert Graves, Stephen Harmsen, Stephen Hartzell, Mary Lou...
How do we know if plate-like calculations are really plates and does it matter?
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Scott King
How do we know if plate-like calculations are really plates and does it matter? June 22, 2005. Scott King.
How to Stabilize Superplumes
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Eh Tan, Mike Gurnis
How to Stabilize Superplumes (Compressible thermo-chemical convection on African superplume). June 20, 2005. Eh Tan, Mike Gurnis.
Influences of Compositional Stratification
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Sarah Zaranek, E.M. Parmentier
Influences of Compositional Stratification. June 19, 2005. Sarah Zaranek, E.M. Parmentier.
Influences of the Postperovskite Transiton on Lower Mantle Dynamics
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): David Yuen, Charley Kameyama, Radek Matyska, Marie Behounokova
Influences of the Postperovskite Transiton on Lower Mantle Dynamics. June 20, 2005. David Yuen, Charley Kameyama, Radek Matyska, Marie Behounokova.
Introduction to CUBIT: A quick tutorial and some simple examples
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Rowena Lohman
Introduction to CUBIT: A quick tutorial and some simple examples. June 14-18, 2010. Rowena Lohman.
Investigating large-scale mantle heterogeneity using the thermochemical extension of CitcomS
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Allen K. McNamara
Investigating large-scale mantle heterogeneity using the thermochemical extension of CitcomS. June 20, 1005. Allen K. McNamara.
LaGriT Tutorial
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Carl Gable
LaGriT Tutorial. June 14-18, 2010. Carl Gable.
Limits to Nonlinear Inversion
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Klaus Mosegaard
Limits to Nonlinear Inversion. September 15-17, 2008. Klaus Mosegaard.
Lithospheric Modelling: Research Directions at Simula
31 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Stuart R. Clark, Are Magnus Bruaset
Lithospheric Modelling: Research Directions at Simula. September 15-17, 2008. Stuart R. Clark.
Mantle Convection: Current Status and Future Challenges
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Shijie Zhong
Mantle Convection: Current Status and Future Challenges. Sept 15-17, 2008. Shijie Zhong.
Mantle Plume Volcanism on Present-day Mars
27 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Walter Kiefer
Mantle Plume Volcanism on Present-day Mars. June 20, 2005. Walter Keifer.
Meshing and Set Up Workflow
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Carl Gable
Meshing and Set Up Workflow. June 14-18, 2010. Carl Gable.
Multi-physics/Multi-Scale Methods I: Methods for Multi-physics Coupled Solvers
12 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Daniel Reynolds
Multi-physics/Multi-Scale Methods I: Methods for Multi-physics Coupled Solvers. September 15-17, 2008. Daniel Reynolds.
Multi-scale issues and two scale homogenization solutions for the direct and inverse problem in seismology.
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Y. Capdeville, L. Guillot, J. J. Marigo
Multi-scale issues and two scale homogenization solutions for the direct and inverse problem in seismology. October 9-11, 2007. Y. Capdeville, L. Guillot, J.J. Marigo.