Introduction to PyLith
08 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley
Crustal Deformation Modeling Workshop: Introduction to PyLith. Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley. June 12, 2014.
Mesh Generation for Geological Applications
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Carl Gable
Mesh Generation for Geological Applications: Why it is Different Than Planes, Trains and Automobiles. October 16-18, 2006. Carl Gable.
Mesh Generation for Geological Applications
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Carl Gable
Mesh Generation for Geological Applications. June 23-27, 2008. Carl Gable.
Meshing Strategies
08 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley
Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial: Meshing Strategies. Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley. June 23, 2014.
Modeling Geophysical Mass Flows – Mesh(Free), Model and Parameter Adaptivity
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Abani Patra
Modeling Geophysical Mass Flows – Mesh(Free), Model and Parameter Adaptivity. October 16-18, 2006. Abani Patra.
Modeling the geodynamo: Successes and challenges
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Moritz Heimpel
Modeling the geodynamo: Successes and challenges. October 16-18, 2006. Moritz Heimpel.
Modeling the post‐rifting deformation on the Krafla volcanic system
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Christopher DiCaprio, Mark Simons
Modeling the post‐rifting deformation on the Krafla volcanic system. June 23-27, 2008. Christopher DiCaprio, Mark Simons.
Plumbing the Depths: Computational Challenges for Magma Dynamics in Earth Sciences
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Marc Spiegelman, Richard Katz
Plumbing the Depths: Computational Challenges for Magma Dynamics in Earth Sciences. October 16-18, 2006. Marc Spiegelman, Richard Katz.
Probabilistic seismic hazard in the San Francisco Bay area based on physical models
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Fred Pollitz, David Schwartz
Probabilistic seismic hazard in the San Francisco Bay area based on physical models. June 23-27, 2008. Fred Pollitz, David Schwartz.
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
PyLith. June 23-27, 2008. Brad Aagaard.
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
PyLith. June 23-27, 2008. Brad Aagaard.
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley, Surendra Somala, Sue Kientz, Leif Strand
PyLith. June 14-18, 2010. Brad Aagaard.
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley, Sue Kientz, Leif Strand
PyLith. June 22-26, 2009. Brad Aagaard.
PyLith 1.3: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
31 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley, Leif Strand, Sue Kientz
PyLith 1.3: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation. September 15-17, 2008. Brad Aagaard.
PyLith 1.5 Tutorial
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
PyLith 1.5 Tutorial. June 14-18, 2010. Brad Aagaard.
PyLith 1.5: Friction, Small Strains, and Elastoplasticity
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley, Surendra Somala
PyLith 1.5: Friction, Small Strains, and Elastoplasticity. June 14-18, 2010. Brad Aagaard.
PyLith and CUBIT/Trelis Refresher
08 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley
Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial: PyLith and CUBIT/Trelis Refresher. Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley. June 23, 2014.
PyLith Modeling Tutorial
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley
PyLith Modeling Tutorial. Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley. August 24-25, 2015.
PyLith Modeling Tutorial Overview of CUBIT/Trelis, PyLith, and ParaView
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley
PyLith Modeling Tutorial Overview of CUBIT/Trelis, PyLith, and ParaView. Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley. August 24, 2015.
PyLith Postseismic Deformation Example: 2-D Subduction Zone
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matt Knepley
PyLith Postseismic Deformation Example: 2-D Subduction Zone. May 16, 2011. Brad Aagaard.
PyLith Troubleshooting Tips/Tricks
30 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matt Knepley
PyLith Troubleshooting Tips/Tricks. May 16, 2011. Brad Aagaard.
Rapid Regional-Scale Earthquake Simulators
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Keith Richards-Dinger
Rapid Regional-Scale Earthquake Simulators. June 23-27, 2008. Keith Richards-Dinger.
Report on semi-analytic code compilation effort
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Rowena Lohman
Report on semi-analytic code compilation effort. June 23-27, 2008. Rowena Lohman.
Review of PyLith Capabilities and Features
07 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley
Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial: Review of PyLith Capabilities and Features. June 24, 2013. Brad Aagaard, Charles Williams, Matthew Knepley.
Rheologic contrast between the crust and mantle: Insights from the lab and analyses of naturally deformed rocks
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Greg Hirth
Rheologic contrast between the crust and mantle: Insights from the lab and analyses of naturally deformed rocks. June 23-27, 2008. Greg Hirth.
Running PyLith in Parallel
08 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Matthew Knepley, Charles Williams
Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial: Running PyLith in Parallel. June 28, 2013. Brad Aagaard, Matthew Knepley, Charles Williams.
Rupture process of the 2008 Mw 8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Guangfu Shao, Chen Ji, Zhong Lu, Ken Hudnut, Jing Liu-Zeng
Rupture process of the 2008 Mw 8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake. June 23-27, 2008. Guangfu Shao.
Scalable Techniques for Scientific Visualization
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Claudio Silva
Scalable Techniques for Scientific Visualization. October 16-18, 2006. Claudio Silva.
Scientific and computational challenges in simulating fluid-rock interaction
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Mousumi Roy
Scientific and computational challenges in simulating fluid-rock interaction and its role in the long-term tectonics of continental lithosphere. October 16-18, 2006.Mousumi Roy.
SGS Bay Area Seismic Velocity Model, Construction and Earthquake Simulations
28 Mar 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Thomas Brocher, Robert Jachens, Robert Simpson
SGS Bay Area Seismic Velocity Model, Construction and Earthquake Simulations. July 14-17, 2013. Brad Aagaard.
Shaking up Faults: Insights from the Lab on Earthquake Triggering
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Heather Savage
Shaking up Faults: Insights from the Lab on Earthquake Triggering. June 23-27, 2008. Heather Savage.
Short-Term Crustal Dynamics
29 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Short-Term Crustal Dynamics. February 26, 2006. Brad Aagaard.
Short-Term Tectonics Science
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Short-Term Tectonics Science. March 30-31, 2009. Brad Aagaard.
Simple Elastic Dislocation Models for Interseismic Deformation in Subduction Zones
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Ravi V.S. Kanda, Mark Simons
Simple Elastic Dislocation Models for Interseismic Deformation in Subduction Zones. June 23-27, 2008. Ravi V. S. Kanda.
Solvers in PyLith
08 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Matthew Knepley, Charles Williams
Solvers in PyLith. Brad Aagaard, Matthew Knepley, Charles Williams. June 19-24, 2011.
Spectral-Element and Adjoint Methods in Seismology
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Jeroen Tromp
Spectral-Element and Adjoint Methods in Seismology. October 16-18, 2006. Jeroen Tromp.
Spontaneous Rupture via Fault Friction
07 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Matthew Knepley, Charles Williams
Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial: Spontaneous Rupture via Fault Friction. June 28, 2013.Brad Aagaard, Matthew Knepley, Charles Williams.
Spontaneous Rupture via Fault Friction
08 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Matthew Knepley, Charles Williams
Crustal Deformation Modeling Tutorial: Spontaneous Rupture via Fault Friction. Brad Aagaard, Matthew Knepley, Charles Williams. June 24, 2014.
The Growing Wealth of Aseismic Deformation Data: What's a Modeler to Model?
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Evelyn Roeloffs
The Growing Wealth of Aseismic Deformation Data: What's a Modeler to Model? June 23-27, 2008. Evelyn Roeloffs.
Trilinos Overview
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Roscoe Bartlett
Trilinos Overview. October 16-18, 2006. Roscoe Bartlett.
Using multi-cycle earthquake simulations to understand crustal dynamics
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Using multi-cycle earthquake simulations to understand crustal dynamics. October 16-18, 2006. Brad Aagaard.
Using multi-cycle earthquake simulations to understand crustal dynamics
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Using multi-cycle earthquake simulations to understand crustal dynamics. October 16-18, 2006. Brad Aagaard.
Wave propagation in highly complex models
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Heiner Igel, Marco Stupazzini, Christoph Moder, Martin Kaser, Josep de la Puente
Wave propagation in highly complex models: grid generation–local time stepping-parallelization. October 16-18, 2006. Heiner Igel, Martin Käser, Josepde la Puente, Marco Stupazzini, Christoph Moder.
What gives in the lower crust? Evidence from post-loading deformation and exhumed fault zones
27 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Roland Bürgmann
What gives in the lower crust? Evidence from post-loading deformation and exhumed fault zones. June 23-27, 2008. Roland Bürgmann.
Workshop Final Report: Numerical Modeling of Crustal Deformation Associated with Earthquake Faulting
26 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Andrew Freed, Brad Aagaard, Carl Gable, Mark Simons
Workshop Final Report: Numerical Modeling of Crustal Deformation Associated with Earthquake Faulting. June 23-27, 2008. Andrew Freed, Brad Aagaard, Carl Gable, Mark Simons.