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  1. 2010workshoponcrustaldeformationmodeling x
  2. 2006cigmagmamigrationworkshop x
  3. 2019securinglegacyseismicdatatoenablefuturediscoveries x
  4. 2009opportunitiesandchallengesincomputationalgeophysics x
  5. seismology x
  1. Multi-Scale Parallel computing in Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics

    24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): David Yuen

    Multi-Scale Parallel computing in Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. August 18-19, 2006. David Yuen. 

  2. GyPSM: Geodynamic and Petrological Synthesis Model

    24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Laura Baker, Paula Smith

    GyPSM: Geodynamic and Petrological Synthesis Model. August 18-19, 2006. Laura Baker, Paula Smith.  

  3. Software Tools for Magma Convection at CIG

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Shijie Zhong

    The Software Tools for Mantle Convection at CIG: The Current State. August 18-19, 2006. Shijie Zhong. 

  4. Experimental Benchmarks for Modeling of Stress-Driven Melt Segregation

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Ben Holtzman

    A few thoughts on experimental benchmarks for modeling of stress-driven melt segregation. August 18-19, 2006. Ben Holtzman. 

  5. Subduction Benchmarks

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Scott King, Claire Currie, Richard Katz, Marc Spiegelman., Peter van Keken

    A benchmark for the modeling of subduction zone thermal structure. August 18-19, 2006. Scott King, Peter van Keken, Claire Currie, Richard Katz, Marc Spiegelman. 

  6. Magma-Mantle Dynamics

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Garrell Ito

    Magma-Mantle Dynamics. August 18-19, 2006. Garrell Ito. 

  7. Computational Science Issues

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Wolfgang Bangerth

    Computational Science Issues. August 18-19, 2006. Wolfgang Bangerth.   

  8. Modeling the thermal structure

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Laurent G.J. Montési, Mark D. Behn, Jennifer L. Barry

    Modeling the thermal structure of plate boundaries with COMSOL Multiphysics (FEMLAB). August 18-19, 2006. Laurent G.J. Montési, Mark D. Behn, Jennifer L. Barry. 

  9. Model Coupling

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Matthew Knepley

    Model Coupling. August 18-19, 2006. Matthew Knepley. 

  10. Formulations for magma dynamics

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Marc Spiegelman

    Formulations for magma dynamics: The McKenzien view of the world. August 18-19, 2006. Marc Spiegelman. 

  11. Petrological-thermomechanical modelling

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): David Yuen, James Connolly, Taras Gerya

    Self-consistent petrological-thermomechanical modelling: new geodynamic modelling approach. August 18-19, 2006. Taras V. Gerya , James A.D. Connolly, David A. Yuen. 

  12. Petrological-thermochemical modeling of geodynamic processes - methodology and examples

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): David Yuen, Taras Gerya, James Connolly

    Petrological-thermochemical modeling of geodynamic processes - methodology and examples. August 18-19, 2006. David Yuen, Taras Gerya, James Connolly. 

  13. Two phase theory of compaction and damage

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): David Bercovici, Yanick Ricard

    Two phase theory of compaction and damage. August 18-19, 2006. David Bercovici, Yanick Ricard. 

  14. Basic Ingredients for a useful theory of magma dynamics

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Marc Spiegelman

    Basic Ingredients for a useful theory of magma dynamics. August 18-19, 2006. Marc Spiegelman. 

  15. A case for robust micromechanical models

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Saswata Hier-Majumder

    A case for robust micromechanical models. August 18-19, 2006. Saswata Hier-Majumder. 

  16. Body wave tomography

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Peter Kelemen Doug Wiens

    Body wave tomography. August 18-19, 2006. Peter Kelemen Doug Wiens. 

  17. Intro to CIG

    09 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Marc Spiegelman, Mike Gurnis

    And now, a word from our Sponsor….What is CIG? August 18-19, 2006. Marc Spiegelman, Mike Gurnis. 

  18. IRIS Short Course August 2015

    19 Dec 2020 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Lion Krischer

    ObsPy  A very short introduction to Obspy developed for the IRIS-EarthScope Short Course.

  19. Tutorial - 2017 CIG-LLNL Computational Seismology Workshop

    19 Dec 2020 | Software: Download | Contributor(s): Lion Krischer

    ObsPy.  A series of 8 notebooks developed for the September 18-22. 2017 CIG-LLNL Computational Seismology Workshop