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All Categories (51-85 of 85)

  1. Mar 08 2018

    2018 Where have all the dimensions gone? Hands on methods for introducing students to non-dimensional numbers in laboratory and numerical modeling

    Eric Mittelstaedt, University of IdahoExperienced modelers are familiar with how non-dimensionalizing mathematical systems can help improve numerical stability, reduce the number of free variables...

  2. Feb 08 2018

    2018 Pythonic Geodynamics

    Gabriele Morra, University of Louisiana at LafayetteStudents and young researchers who want to learn to use computational tools for geodynamic modeling have the option to choose among a wide range...

  3. Nov 16 2017

    2017 Tools and approaches for teaching computation and modeling: geodynamics and beyond

    Max Rudolph, University of California, DavisI will share experiences teaching computation and modeling using a variety of tools and techniques. First, I will present my philosophy and approach to...

  4. Oct 12 2017

    2017 Geodynamic modeling with staggered finite differences and marker in cell: theory, teaching and examples

    Taras Gerya, ETH ZurichNumerical modeling of geodynamic processes is an essential approach in both science and industry with ever- growing demand and high efficiency/cost ratio. Current trend in...

  5. Apr 13 2017

    2017 An overview of PyLith plus a preview of multiphysics and other features coming in PyLith v3.0

    Brad Aagaard, USGSI will give an overview of PyLith, including a discussion of the types of applications for which it is designed, the features currently available, and the user workflow...

  6. Mar 09 2017

    2017 Introduction to the spectral-infinite-element method

    Hom Nath Gharti and Jeroen Tromp, Princeton UniversityThe governing equations for the elastic-gravitational deformation of an Earth model involve a perturbed gravitational potential. The...

  7. Feb 09 2017

    2017 Project Jupyter for the geosciences

    Ian Rose, UC BerkeleyAs the results of scientific computing become more central in the geosciences, we have been confronted with a series of challenges that were not necessarily obvious from the...

  8. Nov 10 2016

    2016 Intricacies of particle-in-cell methods in convection models with adaptive meshes: Using ASPECT's particle implementation

    Rene Gassmoeller, CSU Fort CollinsParticle-in-cell methods have a long history in modeling of mantle convection, lithospheric deformation and crustal dynamics. However, their efficient parallel...

  9. Oct 13 2016

    2016 Software Practices in Computational Science Communities – an Overview

    Anshu Dubey, Argonne National Laboratory Scientific code developers typically adopt software processes derived from the mainstream (non-scientific) community when continuing without...

  10. May 12 2016

    2016 Resolution analysis by random probing

    Andreas Fichtner, ETHWe present a new method for resolution analysis in tomography, based on stochastic probing of the Hessian or resolution operators. Key properties of the method are (i) low...

  11. Mar 10 2016

    2016 Statistical and computational challenges of constraining greenhouse gas budgets

    Anna M. Michalak, Carnegie Institution for SciencePredicting future changes to the global carbon cycle (and therefore climate) and quantifying anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)...

  12. Feb 11 2016

    2016 Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Models of Physical Systems

    Habib Najm, Sandia National LaboratoryModels of physical systems typically involve inputs/parameters that are determined from empirical measurements, and therefore exhibit a certain...

  13. Dec 03 2015

    2015 An introduction to Virtual Quake

    Kasey Schultz, University of California, DavisThis webinar will introduce Virtual Quake, a boundary element code that performs simulations of fault systems based on stress interactions between...

  14. Nov 12 2015

    2015 Simulating seismic wave propagation with SW4

    Anders Petersson Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryThis webinar describes how to use the SW4 code to simulate ground motion due to earthquakes. After a brief overview of the numerical...

  15. Oct 08 2015

    2015 An introduction to BurnMan - a mineral physics toolkit

    Sanne Cottar, Ph.D., University of Cambridge; Professor Timo Heister, Clemson University; Bob Myhill, Ph.D., University of Bayreuth; Ian Rose, University of...

  16. May 28 2015

    2015 Ground motion simulation, seismic imaging, large-scale time series processing, and Big Data technology for solving earth science problems

    Arben Pitarka, Ph.D., Douglas Dodge, Ph.D, Steven Magana-Zook, & Stanley Ruppert, Ph.D.Lawrence Livermore National LabWe begin with an overview of current projects at...

  17. Apr 09 2015

    2015 Work flows and 3-D geodynamic simulations of the India-Eurasia collision zone

    Professor Lucy FleschPurdue UniversityThe theory of plate tectonics tends to breakdown at continental collisional boundaries where deformation is diffuse and highly spatially variable. ...

  18. Mar 12 2015

    2015 ASPECT: From Benchmarking to 3D Subduction Applications

    Cedric Thieulot, Ph.D.; Anne Glerum, and Menno FratersUniversity of UtrechtASPECT, the Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth's Convection, is an extensible open source, community supported...

  19. Feb 12 2015

    2015 Accuracy and Performance Benchmarks for Geodynamo Simulation

    Eric Heien, Ph.D. & Hiro Matsui, Ph.D.University of Davis, CaliforniaNumerical simulations of planetary dynamos have revealed many scientific insights over the past several years....

  20. Jan 15 2015

    2015 Influence of numerical discretization on preferred thermal convection patterns in a 3-D spherical shell

    Pierre Arrial, Ph.D. & Professor Louise KelloggUniversity of Davis, California3-D numerical simulations of thermal convection in a spherical shell have become a standard for studying the...

  21. Nov 13 2014

    2014 Software Design and packaging for extensibility, provenance, and sharing

    Jed Brown, Ph.D.Argonne National LabThere is more to developing successful scientific software than the core numerical implementation.  Slapping an open source license on the code does not...

  22. Oct 09 2014

    2014 Earth System Bridge: NSF's EarthCube entry point for solid Earth geosciences

    Anna Kelbert, Ph.D.Oregon State UniversityNSF’s EarthCube is a relatively new Earth science knowledge integration initiative. It has a grand ambition to develop a common cyberinfrastructure...

  23. May 15 2014

    2014 Community Dynamo Code Development Project

    Jon Aurnou (UCLA) & the Geodynamo TeamOver the past 20 years, researchers have made great strides in simulating convection-driven dynamo action.  They have modeled convection of...

  24. Apr 10 2014

    2014 ASPECT: Science Highlights

    ASPECT TeamASPECT, the Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth's ConvecTion, is a finite element code to simulate problems in thermal convection in both 2D and 3D models primarily focused on...

  25. Mar 13 2014

    2014 Software and the Scholarly Record

    MacKenzie Smith University Librarian, University of California, DavisModeling and other forms of computational science require software to be shared and preserved, to insure reproducibility of...

  26. Feb 13 2014

    2014 Exascale Visualization: Why Things Will Change For You

    Hank Childs Professor, University of OregonExascale computing is on the horizon, and may appear as soon as 2019. So what does this mean for visualization? Plenty. Exascale machines will place...

  27. Jan 09 2014

    2014 Interactive Visualization for Scientific Data Analysis

    Dr. Oliver Kreylos University of California, DavisVisualization, the process of turning data into pictures (or movies) for analysis or communication of results, is a long-established...

  28. Nov 14 2013

    2013 Using SELEN to Solve the Sea Level Equation

    Giorgio SpadaProfessor, Universita’ di UrbinoWhen the mass of an ice sheet changes, sea level does not varies uniformly around the world. There are many reasons for this: the solid Earth...

  29. Oct 10 2013

    2013 The World Is Not Enough: Mantle Dynamics from a Planetary Perspective

    Scott KingProfessor, Department of Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic InstituteWhile many CIGers are firmly rooted here on planet Earth, CIG modeling tools can and are being applied to interesting...

  30. May 16 2013

    2013 Stellar Scalable Pseudospectral Methods and the Geodynamo

    Nick Featherstone, Ph.D. CU BoulderThis webinar will begin with a brief overview of recent efforts to model convection and dynamos in the Sun and other stars. Such models (massive stars in...

  31. Apr 11 2013

    2013 Bayesian Earthquake Modeling

    Sarah Minson, Ph.D. US Geological SurveyThis seminar will provide an introduction to Bayesian analysis and its advantages and disadvantages relative to traditional optimization approaches for...

  32. Mar 21 2013

    2013 Using Relax to Probe the Rheology of the Lithosphere

    Professor Sylvain BarbotNanyang Technological UniversityThe Relax software implements a semi analytic solver in the Fourier domain to simulation stress change and deformation in the lithosphere...

  33. Jan 10 2013

    2013 High Performance Implicit Solvers for Geodynamics

    Jed Brown, Ph.D. Argonne National Laboratory This presentation will introduce the leading methodologies for large-scale linear and nonlinear solvers, guidelines for algorithmic...

  34. Nov 15 2012

    2012 Modern Numerical Methods for Modeling Convection in the Earth’s Mantle

    Timo Heister, Ph.D. Texas A&M UniversityWe present the new open source code ASPECT for modeling convection in the earth's mantle (see ASPECT uses...

  35. Oct 11 2012

    2012 Using Existing Libraries to Improve and Solve Computational Problems

    Wolfgang Bangerth, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M UniversityOver the past 20 years, there have been two landmark shifts in computational science and...