Computational Infrastructure
for Geodynamics (CIG)

Community-driven organization advancing Earth science by providing the infrastructure for the development and dissemination of software for geophysics and related fields.

2024 CIG Elections

Elections open soon.

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Research Highlight

Modeling the dynamics of ice masses in eastern and southern Greenland.

The PISM code is currently available through Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics and at

PISM, a Parallel Ice Sheet Model

Contributed by Constantine Khrulev,  University of Alaska Fairbanks

PISM is an open-source modelling framework for ice sheets and glaciers jointly developed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

In the 25 or so years from the early days of PISM's development, it has evolved from a serial isothermal ice dynamics model to a parallel, modular framework implementing a hierarchy of stress balance approximations, an enthalpy-based energy conservation model, a mass-conserving basal hydrology model, an intermediate complexity glacial isostatic adjustment component, and extensible coupling to ocean and atmosphere models.

PISM users participated in many community projects and model intercomparisons, producing over 200 peer reviewed publications. Its applications range from projections of contributions from Antarctica and Greenland to sea level rise and papers describing advances in modeling of some key physical processes controlling the behavior of ice sheets to modeling the glaciation of Pavonis Mons, Mars and inferring paleoclimate in south-west Turkey. [full article]

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What Is happening?


CIG Annual Business Meeting

January 23, 2025

Get the latest updates of what is happening in the community   •   More Info 

Updated 16 October 2024

2024-2025 Webinar Series

Fall-Spring 2024/2025

Webinars resume in the Fall.  •  More Info 

Updated 21 May 2024

Get the Tools


A set of codes for MHD dynamo simulation in a rotating spherical shell using spherical harmonics expansion methods.
Current release: 2017-07-17
GNU GPL v2 or newer license


A 3-D convection code designed for the study of dynamo behavior in spherical shell geometry. 
Current release: 2022-05-05
GNU GPL v3 or newer license


3-D seismic modeling, with a free surface condition on the top boundary, absorbing super-grid conditions on the far-field boundaries, and an arbitrary number of point force and/or point moment tensor source terms. 
Current release: 2023-08-30
GNU GPL v2 or newer license

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