[aspect-devel] Benchmark

I. van Zelst i.vanzelst at students.uu.nl
Mon Jun 30 07:06:07 PDT 2014

Dear all,

I have been trying to make a new benchmark for Aspect, based on the paper
'Large-scale adaptive mantle convection simulation' from Carsten Burstedde
in 2013. Subsequently, the benchmark has been dubbed the 'Burstedde'
However, a problem I encounter is that the pressure error between the
analytical solution and the numerical solution does not converge with
resolution, as can be seen in the attached figure 'errors.pdf’.
Furthermore, the minimum and maximum pressure in the system, for which an
analytical value is available diverges more and more from the analytical
solution as the resolution is increased, as can be seen in the attached
figure 'pressure.pdf'.
Could it be that the elements in the corners of the domain are constrained
by too many (?) boundary conditions: these elements have three faces for
which velocities are prescribed in the x, y and z directions.
In this case, could it be that these corner elements lead to a matrix which
the solver cannot handle well, resulting in excessive pressures at the
corners and non-converging velocities ?

Would anybody like to have a look at the benchmark to see whether this is
indeed what goes wrong? I have included the .cc file and the input file,
which could be put in the folder burstedde, which would be a folder of

Kind regards,
Iris van Zelst
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