[aspect-devel] Turning step-53 into a geometry model

Fraters, M.R.T. (Menno) M.R.T.Fraters at uu.nl
Wed Jan 14 09:43:14 PST 2015

Hello all,

I have been looking into spherical geometries and noticed that the spherical shell (which has a minimum of a quarter shell) is way to large for my model. Then I remembered that Sarah showed an image of a part of a sphere and I found in step-53 of the deal.II tutorials explained how to do it as a program directly on top of deal.II. I really liked this program because it allows to choose a arbitrary part of the real earth (wgs84) in longitude, latitude and depth.

I then tried to implement it as a geometry model (which I called wgs84, because I do not really need the topography at the moment). What I tried was  taking the aspect box geometry model and replaced the contents of create_coarse_mesh with the contents of run, and place the rest of the code from the tutorial in the geometry model namespace just above the create_coarse_mesh template, with the refinement part and the output part commented out. After this I turned all the AfricaGeometry class into a template, and made sure push_forward and pull_backward 2d classes returned a dummy point to able to compile the program and at least be able to run the problem in 3d.

The problem I run into is that during the linking stage problems arise. These have probably to do with that the AfricanGeometry template has not been explicitly instantiated. I tried to do this with calling "template class AfricaGeometry<2>" and "template class AfricaGeometry<3>" at the end of the file, but this didn't work. I also tried to incorporate the AfricaGeometry class into wgs84 class. I got it to compile and link, but with this approach I got stuck with runtime errors which probably have to do with the fact that I am now calling inside the template <int dim> void WGS84<dim>::create_coarse_mesh () I now try the make declare WGS84<dim> geometry (which was previously AfricaGeometry<dim> geometry. I attached this version of the code to show what I have tried to do.

My questions are the following:

1. Was Sarah's model only made as a deal.II program as shown in step 53, or was it also implemented in ASPECT? If so, will this become available?

2. If not, what would you advice to be the correct approach to get a working geometry model based on step-53 in ASPECT? Implement it in deal.ii or in ASPECT? And what would be the best way to do this?

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Menno Fraters

Menno Fraters, MSc | PhD candidate | Department of Earth Sciences | Utrecht University | Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD Utrecht | Room Z.210 | M.R.T.Fraters at uu.nl |
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