[aspect-devel] Velocity boundary conditions - lithosphere ext/compression

HERON, PHILIP J. philip.j.heron at durham.ac.uk
Mon Jul 3 08:14:11 PDT 2017

Hello all,

I was just extending the 'continental_extension.prm' cookbook to include sub-lithosphere mantle, and have ran into issues of convergence. I wonder if anyone on the group could help!

I've attached the extended cont extension model, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right directions of how to get it to converge. The issue is that after 10-15 timesteps velocities within the model start to blow up.

I feel that the temperature profile initially is fine. Although applying a variable horizontal velocity to the boundary, the initial horizontal velocity field is smooth. However, almost immediately the horizontal velocity starts to fluctuate.

Are there better techniques to be able to get this  model to converge? Am I missing something simple? I've played around with a few different things but with little luck.

Thanks in advance!


Philip J. Heron
Junior Research Fellow
Dept. of Earth Sciences
Durham University
web: http://philheron.com<http://philheron.com/>

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