[aspect-devel] Fwd: Aspect installation error on OS X El Capitan

Hiroaki Matsui hrmatsui at ucdavis.edu
Wed Nov 8 18:12:12 PST 2017

Hi, Timo, 

Thank you for the updated information.
However, I haven't updated my MacBook from El Capitan.
Probably I am not the right person to test this package now.

Anyway, I tested deal 8.5.1 on my El Capitan, mpi compilers does not send error anymore.
However, I failed to run the program of tep-1 example of deal ii. 
command fails to link some dynamic library (probably).

And, I also try to run step-1 example of deal ii. without ‘mpirun’ command, but program also stopped by 
missing dynamic library.

Then, Noah, there would be three options now. 
1. Update the system to Mac OS X Sierra (or high sierra).
  It must be the most straight forward way, but some other programs in your Mac needs to be updated.
(Actually, I have not updated my macbook’s system from El Capitan.)

2. Use deal.ii.app version 8.4.1 
  It works on El Capitan, but I wonder if the latest ASPECT can work with ver.8.4.1.
3. Install deal ii. on mac from source code.
   Is it easy? Actually, I didn’t it successfully and that is why I used deal ii.app binary.


bash-3.2$ mpirun -np 1 ./step-1
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _clock_gettime
  Referenced from: /Applications/deal.II-8.5.1.app/Contents/Resources/brew/opt/libevent/lib/libevent-2.1.6.dylib (which was built for Mac OS X 10.12)
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

dyld: Symbol not found: _clock_gettime
  Referenced from: /Applications/deal.II-8.5.1.app/Contents/Resources/brew/opt/libevent/lib/libevent-2.1.6.dylib (which was built for Mac OS X 10.12)
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

Trace/BPT trap: 5
bash-3.2$  ./step-1
dyld: Library not loaded: libTKBO.11.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/matsui/step-1/./step-1
  Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5

> This is caused by the fact that the binary was compiled with
> optimizations that are CPU dependent and they fail if you run on older
> hardware.
> We are still struggling with getting the installers to work reliable,
> but I just added a .dmg file for 8.5.1 here
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_dealii_dealii_releases_tag_v8.5.1&d=DwIFaQ&c=Ngd-ta5yRYsqeUsEDgxhcqsYYY1Xs5ogLxWPA_2Wlc4&r=c08Btfq4m9QEScXN3ZQwLZzzWQE7S8CYq1IYuzKV_Zk&m=yJ1xUq5y4aO9uAZL2xmLnnX6VRPkdCjJg35S8gCbeJ0&s=N_nKQiHLmQIMr-96ef-IO5vqe0YMwkTYF-v5dObuMQI&e=  that should work
> provided that you are using OSX 10.12 and not "high sierra" yet.
> Can you please test and confirm if it works for you?

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